Periodic table with mass, modern periodic table, periodic table chart, charges of element list, periodic table with names and charges: So, if you have landed to this post which means you are a student or curious chemistry student who wants to dig in deep and explore more about the lovely chemistry subject.
Chemistry is known as the origin of all the other subjects, as the basic elements, components, matter everything is discussed here which even can’t be seen with out naked eye but we all are made up of those elements only, yes we are talking about the periodic elements, till now 118 elements has been found of and whether you believe it or not.
Everything on this earth is made up of these 118 elements and their constitutes.
So, if you want to know more about the periodic table with names and charges, then you have landed to the right place. Without any further delay let’s dive in deep and explore everything about periodic table.
Periodic Table with Names and Charges
The periodic table is an arrangement of all the elements known to man according to their atomic number and repeating chemical properties. They are sorted in a tabular format, where the rows are periods and the columns are categories.
The elements are arranged by increasing atomic number from left to right and top to bottom. So, elements in the same group have the same arrangement of valence electrons and therefore have similar chemical properties.
On the other hand, the elements have at the same time an increase in valence electrons. Thus, as the energy level of the atom increases, the number of energy sublevels per energy level increases.
So, here we have listed out periodic table with names and charges.
Number | Element | Charge |
1 | hydrogen | 1+ |
2 | helium | 0 |
3 | lithium | 1+ |
4 | beryllium | 2+ |
5 | boron | 3-, 3+ |
6 | carbon | 4+ |
7 | nitrogen | 3- |
8 | oxygen | 2- |
9 | fluorine | 1- |
10 | neon | 0 |
11 | sodium | 1+ |
12 | magnesium | 2+ |
13 | aluminum | 3+ |
14 | silicon | 4+, 4- |
15 | phosphorus | 5+, 3+, 3- |
16 | sulfur | 2-, 2+, 4+, 6+ |
17 | chlorine | 1- |
18 | argon | 0 |
19 | potassium | 1+ |
20 | calcium | 2+ |
21 | scandium | 3+ |
22 | titanium | 4+, 3+ |
23 | vanadium | 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+ |
24 | chromium | 2+, 3+, 6+ |
25 | manganese | 2+, 4+, 7+ |
26 | iron | 2+, 3+ |
27 | cobalt | 2+, 3+ |
28 | nickel | 2+ |
29 | copper | 1+, 2+ |
30 | zinc | 2+ |
31 | gallium | 3+ |
32 | germanium | 4-, 2+, 4+ |
33 | arsenic | 3-, 3+, 5+ |
34 | selenium | 2-, 4+, 6+ |
35 | bromine | 1-, 1+, 5+ |
36 | krypton | 0 |
37 | rubidium | 1+ |
38 | strontium | 2+ |
39 | yttrium | 3+ |
40 | zirconium | 4+ |
41 | niobium | 3+, 5+ |
42 | molybdenum | 3+, 6+ |
43 | technetium | 6+ |
44 | ruthenium | 3+, 4+, 8+ |
45 | rhodium | 4+ |
46 | palladium | 2+, 4+ |
47 | silver | 1+ |
48 | cadmium | 2+ |
49 | indium | 3+ |
50 | tin | 2+, 4+ |
51 | antimony | 3-, 3+, 5+ |
52 | tellurium | 2-, 4+, 6+ |
53 | iodine | 1- |
54 | xenon | 0 |
55 | cesium | 1+ |
56 | barium | 2+ |
57 | lanthanum | 3+ |
58 | cerium | 3+, 4+ |
59 | praseodymium | 3+ |
60 | neodymium | 3+, 4+ |
61 | promethium | 3+ |
62 | samarium | 3+ |
63 | europium | 3+ |
64 | gadolinium | 3+ |
65 | terbium | 3+, 4+ |
66 | dysprosium | 3+ |
67 | holmium | 3+ |
68 | erbium | 3+ |
69 | thulium | 3+ |
70 | ytterbium | 3+ |
71 | lutetium | 3+ |
72 | hafnium | 4+ |
73 | tantalum | 5+ |
74 | tungsten | 6+ |
75 | rhenium | 2+, 4+, 6+, 7+ |
76 | osmium | 3+, 4+, 6+, 8+ |
77 | iridium | 3+, 4+, 6+ |
78 | platinum | 2+, 4+, 6+ |
79 | gold | 1+, 2+, 3+ |
80 | mercury | 1+, 2+ |
81 | thallium | 1+, 3+ |
82 | lead | 2+, 4+ |
83 | bismuth | 3+ |
84 | polonium | 2+, 4+ |
85 | astatine | ? |
86 | radon | 0 |
87 | francium | ? |
88 | radium | 2+ |
89 | actinium | 3+ |
90 | thorium | 4+ |
91 | protactinium | 5+ |
92 | uranium | 3+, 4+, 6+ |
So, these are some periodic elements with its names and charges it holds. It’s very important to know the valency and the charge of an element to know it’s significance characteritics. All the matter in this world is made up of or constitutes the periodic elements only.
Conclusion Periodic Table with Names and Charges
Periodic table gets a lot of fun and a bunch of knowledge with it which remarkebly shows the significant characteritics of all the living and non living things matter they contain.
That’s all for the periodic table with names and charges, hope you have definitely like the post as much as we do sharing it with you, don’t forget to share it with buddy friends too.
Thank You 🙂