Best school name list, private school names list, high school names ideas, fake high school names for story in 2022: So, if you have decided to jump into school business or thinking to jump in the school business and looking for the creative academy and school names to inspire and help you come up with a good name, right?
Then you are at the right place. Here we have listed out 500+ Best Fake High School Names for Story in 2022 which you must be looking forward to it.
Fake High School Names for Story
It’s a lot of fun creating fake names, but not everyone can pull it off. Now, whether you want to use made up school names in a novel, book, something for the family or just for fun. Below is a list of fake school names guaranteed to help you on any occasion.
- Academix Secondary School
- Narnia High School
- Watford School of Witchcraft
- Camelot Academy
- Gladiator School
- King’s Court School
- Guiding Lights Academy
- Mockingjay High School
- Alice Academy
- Private School of Business
- Cloud Valley High School
- Celestial Astrology Academy
- Cruise Missile High School
- Guardian Angel Catholic School
- The Royal Highness Academy
- United Nations International School
- American International University
- Bellevue Community College
- Crescent Heights School
- Beverly Hills Junior School
- New Directions High School
- It’s All Relative School
- The Fortress Secondary College
- Greendale Community High School
- Blue Creek School
- Chase Elementary School
- Pelican Falls School
- Task Force Academy
- Unknown Heroes High School
- Alcatraz High School
- Anderson High School
- Apex Academy
- Black Wasp University
- Central City Academy
Catchy School Names
Of all the complications that exist, finding a name for your school can seem impossible. Is your school academic, like a university or community college? Or is it vocational, like a trade school or training program? Perhaps your college provides education in both areas, making it a hybrid.
Naming a school is probably one of most difficult challenges in the educational system. You need a name that engages parents and students when it’s fresh, yet remains relevant as it ages, Best school name list, private school names list, high school names ideas, fake high school names for story in 2022.
Getting inspiration to craft an unforgettable name can be difficult. That’s why we put together this list of catchy school name ideas!
- Cheerful Beginnings
- Shining Stars
- Morning Roots School
- Global Sparks Academy
- Star Bright Academy
- Sky High School
- New Dawn International
- City Connection School
- Oak Tree Academy
- The Rising Sun School
- Bright Future School
- Wise Ideas University
- Scholars Academy
- The Brilliant Kids
- Brighter Horizons
- Future Stars
- The Learning Journey
- Sunlight Academy
- Rainbow Heights School
- Proud Colors Academy
- Wise Ways University
- Innovation Academy
- Wings Academy
- Windy Hill School
- Brookside Elementary School
- Emerald Green International School
- Bright Hill Academy
- Dew Drop Inn Elementary School
- Desert Sunset Middle School
- Morning Bird Elementary
- Super Smart Kids
- Iron Bird School
- Knight in Shining Armor Academy
- Fitzgerald Elementary School
- The Pebble Stone School
- Kings Castle School
- The Inspirational Academy
- Orange Ocean School
- Bloomington Heights
- Galaxy School
- Twilight Stars School
- Morning Glory
- Lincoln International School
- The Everflowing Fountain
- Lake Lullaby High School
- Ten Peaks Academy
- The School of Excellence
- Cedar Grove Middle School
- The Rainbow Zone Academy
- Fort Hill International School
- Aspen Heights Preschool
- Wild West School of Arts
- Dorset Hills Secondary
- Woodland Hills Elementary
- Lemon Little School
- Western Star Academy
- Orange Grove School
- Adventure Elementary School
- The Scholars’ Edge School
- Blue Mountain Elementary
- The Patriot Academy
- Battle Creek High School
- Deerwood International School
- The Falcon Flight School
- The Shining Moon Academy
- The Golden Keys School
- Little Stars Nursery
- Strawberry Ridge Elementary
- Vibrant High School
- Kindness Elementary
- Eagle Valley High School
- Swath of Stars Academy
- Shore Country Elementary School
- Shakespeare High School
- Bayport Education Group
- Happy Valley Middle School
- The Garden of Eden
- Big Dog Academy
High School Names Ideas
Coming up with ‘cool’ school names or high school names ideas is hard work! Racking your brains for hours but getting no where?
Throwing in the towel and giving up? Don’t succumb so quickly. There are plenty of topics you can use to make crazy, unusual, unexpected and fantastical school names. Want examples?
Best school name list, private school names list, high school names ideas, fake high school names for story in 2022.
We’ve compiled a list of cool made-up school names. Not only will this list get your creative juices flowing but it will also save you having to rack your brains for hours.
- The Alamo Academy
- The Appealing Academy
- Boring Community College
- Almighty Academy
- Avalon Collegiate Academy
- Bannon High School
- School of the Pros
- Ink Prep University
- School of the Innocents
- Big Bear College
- The Rising Stars
- Little Learning House
- Winner Takes All Academy
- Wisdoms Way School
- The Leader in Me School
- Crestview Primary School
- Green Meadow High
- Abraham’s Dream
- Appleyard School
- Together We Learn
- School of the Resistance
- Armed Minds Academy
- The San Andreas University
- Digital Alchemy Academy
- Upside-down Treehouse
- The Big League University
- Radiant Preparatory School
- Brilliant Helper Academy
- American Oasis Academy
- Sage Scholars College
- Crest Hill School
Good School Names
Schools are boring institutions which have boring names, right? I mean, High School, Middle School and Elementary School are such generic terms found in so many parts of the world.
I’m sure we’ve all wished our school name was a bit more interesting, with a name that makes it stand out from the crowd. But some schools have gone to extreme lengths to make sure students remember them. From weird acronyms to super unique abbreviations, check out this list of good school names…
- High School of Rock
- Beachy Beach Day School
- Apple Pear School
- Big Blue School
- Agile Middle School
- Clever Kidz Preschool
- Sunset Valley School
- Forest Grove High School
- Awesome Kids Pre-School
- The Towers Academy
- Springfield Elementary School
- Rose Dale Academy
- Holy Trinity Secondary School
- Vibgyor High
- Fountain of Wisdom School
- Bright Streams
- Wild Flames
- Spires of Wisdom
- Hope Valley School
- Great Expectations School
- Song of The Trees Prep
- Copper Beach Primary School
- Happy Bottom Preschool
- Shadow Hills Academy
- Royal International School
- Aurora High
- Adventure Elementary
- Renaissance Academy
- The School of Life
- The Happy Tree Public School
- Birch Forest Elementary School
Funny School Names
The ‘usual’ school names just get boring.
So rather than bicker or sneer about school names, we thought we would help out instead and provide this list of the best funny names for your school. These ideas sure to lighten up your brainstorming and make you laugh at the same time.
Why not choose one of these names for your school? Don’t forget to tell us which name you were going to choose…
- The Magicians High
- Laughing Foxes
- Happiness Land
- Suspending School
- School of Silly Studies
- Mad Max McSchoolface
- P.H.Diddly School of Business
- McQuaid High School
- Dull Middle School
- Loud Elementary School
- Great Dragon School
- Dark Arts College of Magic
- Howl Community College
- One Way University
- Spruce High School
- Academy Of Fighting Wizards
- Academy Of Stoic Nomads
- Fruit Tech Institute
- Uptowners College of Rock
- Penguin Technical College
- Skool of Dance
- College of Dangerous Knowledge
- Learned Teachers College
- University of Soulless Professors
- College of the Haunted House
- The Paranormal Academy
- Smart Monsters School
- Primarily Theoretical University (PTU)
- School of Sparkling Variation
- Harsh, Mean and Ugly School
- I Hate My Teacher College
- Skydancers’ School of Aeronautics
- Springdale Tutoring Academy
- Cybernetics School of Wizardry
- School of No Child Left Behind
- Stoner Academy
- Microwave University
- Subprime Loan School of Finance
- Caffeinated University
- The Library of Congress
- Mis-Education Academy
- I Can’t Spell University (ICSU)
- Furry Tails High
- Young, Gifted and Broke
- Don’t Let Me Down
- The Grinches
- Fart School
Fantasy School Names
For some reason, the names of schools all over the world seem to stay the same. You must be all too familiar with these names; St. Joseph’s, Oak Ridge High School and Central High School. They sound boring.
So here’s a list of fascinating school names which will hopefully inspire you to come up with your own unique name for your fictional school. Some of these names are inspired by popular culture, others are fantasy and sci-fi inspired.
- Admiral Peary Academy
- Planetary Science School
- Andromeda University
- Artemis Institute of Technology
- Planet Vulcan Academy
- Dark Side Academy
- Hyperspace High School
- The Force Awakens
- Stellar Academy
- Awake My Jedi Mindschool
- Dark Side of the Moon Academy
- Body Snatchers Institute
- Advanced Brain Studies
- Sentinel Tech
- Firefly School
- Stargate Academy
- Space Prep Academy
- Delta Prep School
- Xtreme Public School (XPS)
- Academic Center for Sorcery
- Hermes Intergalactic Academy
- Elysium High School
- Volgen Academy of Magic Operations
- Dragon’s Cove Intermediate School
- The Earl of Mycroft College
- Jim’s Klingon University
- Blair Witch University
- School of Extra-Terrestrial Studies
- Cylons Technical University
- Amber School for Wizardry
- Polymorphic College for Alienating Species
- Tralfamadorians’ School of Galactic
- The Infinite Academy
- The Federation Starship Navigation Institute
- Twin Peaks High School
- The Avatar School
- Darth Vader School of Arts
- The Academy of De-Extinction
- Time Station Academy
- Star Fleet Academy
- The Jedi Temple of Light
- The Dead School of Wizardry
- Klingon High
- Funky Fruit School
- Fire Ants
- Ice Dancers
- Hungry Hippo School
- Night Owls
- Lightning Bolts College
- Meteor Showers University
- Future Leaders School
- The Tiny Tots
- Purple Hearts School
- Little Leaguers
- The Giants
- Moon Miners University
School Names For Stories
Great stories need great characters, and great characters attend great schools (or at least schools with great school names). But where can you find school name ideas? Of course, there are some lists on the internet. But they’re too boring to say the least.
We have compiled a list of unique, realistic sounding school names that you can use as the setting for your stories. With these school names, you will be able to get your creative juices flowing within minutes. You can also use this list as an idea generator while planning your own story or if you’re writing the first draft of your book and find yourself stuck.
Make your story setting come alive with this list of school names to choose from. Give them a try!
- Arthur Stanley School
- Giggling Hills Academy
- Trinity Hall Private School
- Blackwater City College
- Greenpond State University
- Park Elementary School
- Woodland Middle School
- Bright Learning Center
- The Golden Apple
- Sands Beach Academy
- Leisure University
- Abbeyville High
- Avon County Grammar
- Beckham High School
- Beaver County High School
- Brown Middle School
- The Spelling School
- Olive Hill Community College
- Bit of a Dreamer Public Academy
- Broad Horizons Primary School
- Honey Stone Elementary School
- High Hopes Private Academy
- Destiny High School
- Greendale Community College
- Xavier Institute for Higher Learning
- Sunnydale High School
- College of Knowledge
- The Guardians of Truth
School Names For Animal Crossing
Your dream was to be an Animal Crossing mayor. But the problem is, the game requires a school name before you can be officially recognized as a city mayor.
Animal Crossing is one of the most beloved games ever, but how on earth do you create a unique name for your school? Skip the complicated naming process and use this list of descriptive and imaginative Animal Crossing school names.
Fret no more, friend. The name of your school is here! Ready, set, go!
Best school name list, private school names list, high school names ideas, fake high school names for story in 2022.
- Aftermidnight School
- New Leaf Academy
- Animal Cross High
- Riverblossom Hills School
- Bellview Elementary
- Clover University
- Hazel Heights High School
- Grumpy Villager School
- Paws-itively Preschool
- Fresh Air Kindergarten
- Diaper Central Elementary
- Happy Home High School
- Wild Animal School
- Sweet Memory Academy
- School of Nice Learning
- Lazyland School
- Muddy High School
- Paradise School
- Winter Wonderland School
- Acorn High School
- Pine Tree University:
- Elm University
- Maple High School
- Cherry College
- Dog School Uniform Academy
- The Rhinoceros High School
- Grassy Hills Elementary
- Higher Grounds High School
- Igloo Elementary School
- Penguin High School
- Otter Junior High School
- Jellyfish Technical College
- Seaweed Community College
- Fauna Falls High
- Harriet the Owl High School
- Professor Dutch
- Peach Academy
- Animal Crossing Academy
- Tom Nook School
- Posh Prep
- Nook Academy
- Shake It High
- Cruise Avenue School
- Llama Elementary School
Final words for fake high school names for story
You’ve reached the end of our list of school names. If you made it through all these, I applaud you for your patience and fortitude. This means it is time for you to embark on this creative journey towards naming your school or Best school name list, private school names list, high school names ideas, fake high school names for story in 2022.
We hope this list has helps you come up with the perfect name for your educational institution. There is, of course, always the option to choose a non-branded, non-generic name for your school. Do some research and pick a name that suits the location and community of your school or even one that is relevant to the principal’s or an important person’s name.
Don’t forget to share it with your friends and family members looking out for the fake high school names for story.
Thank You 🙂