500+ Good City Names for a Fake City | Small Town Names 2024

Small town names for a story, modern city name generator, creative village names, good city names for a fake city: If you are looking for a random city or town name to spark a location for a book, game, or a script, millions of possibilities are at your finger tips.

Good City Names For A Fake City

So, here we have shared some cool and catchy village names and town names. All the cool and creative fictional city names that we have shared are unique and can be used by anyone anywhere or good city names for a fake city.

Good City Names for a Fake City

  • Zyron’s Town
  • New Xiah Town
  • Apolline Town
  • Yellow Garden Town
  • Gentle Mornings
  • Cerulea Town
  • Old Town Kiko
  • Taziz Town
  • Great Oaks Town
  • Old Lucia Town
  • Tryxon Town
  • Kharthas Town
  • Lady Krea Town
  • Wahftar Town
  • Frandlyn Town
  • Grytt Town
  • Quinn Town
  • Old Pyro
  • Old Town Desberg
  • Bird Valley
  • Plum Paradise
  • New Chestnut
  • Saeville
  • Great Xendos
  • Tryx Town
  • Hirtas Villas
  • New Grasslands
  • Diamond Town
  • Marys Town
  • Auburn Town
  • Port Gendar
  • Peach Pink Town
  • Old Town Joviz
  • Gale Town
  • Mystic Red Town
  • Eastern Trinzall
  • Fair Town
  • Orchard Square
  • Brilfax Village
  • Kendra Town
  • Slahthar Village
  • Tangerine Town
  • Begtuok Town
  • Opal Berry Town
  • Summer Town
  • Petal Town
  • Heroesville
  • Antykla Town
  • Upper Ghyllxos
  • Ash Ville
  • Angra Town
  • Illyhn Town
  • Anasil Town
  • Meira Town
  • Olea Town
  • Biorno Town
  • Calla Town
  • Avis Town
  • DawnTown
  • Shae Town
  • Primrose Town
  • Rueville
  • Edwina Town
  • Wren Village
  • Little Whispering
  • White Swan
  • Sprigville
  • Fleur Town
  • Blushville
  • Larkville

Fictional Town Names

These are few fictional town names or small town names:

  • Penduline Town
  • Old Babbler
  • Smew Town
  • Old Lyptak
  • Wallux Town
  • Mint Ville Town
  • York Town
  • Ark Ville Town
  • Bryxton Town
  • Drago Town
  • Fluhxly Town
  • Old Town Zahra
  • Lumina Town
  • Daekrahm Town
  • Old Wood Square
  • Rock Hill Town
  • Grithkly Central
  • Vihnlox Town
  • Old Town
  • Skrix Town
  • Retsluv Town
  • Emerald Town
  • North Tralsagh
  • Claw Ville Town
  • Old Bright Well
  • Grythwil Town
  • Courlyn Square
  • South Stone Town
  • Sandy Town
  • Hal’s Town
  • William’s Bay
  • Woodland Town
  • Berry Knox
  • Hell Kry
  • Senluox Town
  • Spring Town
  • New Vinlee
  • Pine Tree Town
  • Deep Lake Town
  • Wide Grove Town
  • Blyworth Shores Town
  • Three Tree Town
  • Vaulinhorn Town
  • Harper’s Hill
  • Dexiva Town
  • Bartons Town
  • Swaxon Town
  • Lorhk Town
  • Tiny Town
  • Sky Square
  • Lorelai Town
  • Vanora Town
  • Town of Esme
  • Quimville
  • Starrville
  • Ebba  Town
  • Delphine  Town
  • Farrahville
  • Marintopia
  • Bering Town
  • Atlas  Town
  • Twig Ville
  • Clover Town
  • Underville
  • Town Galeru
  • Glimmer  Town
  • Vine  Town
  • Xephov  Town
  • Pavo  Town

Old Village Name Ideas

Small town names for a story or cool city name in the world.

  • Old Wood Square
  • Rock Hill Village
  • Grithkly Central
  • Vihnlox Village
  • Old Apple
  • Skrix Village
  • Retsluv Town
  • Emerald Village
  • North Tralsagh
  • Claw Ville
  • Old Bright Well
  • Grythwil Village
  • Courlyn Square
  • South Stone Village
  • Sandy Town
  • Hal’s Village
  • William’s Bay
  • Woodland Village
  • Berry Knox
  • Hell Kry
  • Senluox Village
  • Spring Village
  • Pine Tree Valley
  • Deep Lake Village
  • Wide Grove
  • Blyworth Shores
  • Three Tree Village
  • Vaulinhorn Village
  • Harper’s Hill
  • Dexiva Village
  • Bartons Village
  • Swaxon Town
  • Lorhk Village
  • Tiny Town
  • Porters Village
  • Old Hunrough
  • Happy Hills Village
  • Duvar Village
  • Haxville
  • Old Froktar
  • Bonstrat Village
  • Xynodon
  • Town Sulouh
  • Village Maya
  • Ai Village
  • Old Alita
  • Tenyolk Riverside
  • Town Lamasyava
  • Abraham Village
  • Oliver Town
  • Ernestful Village
  • Old Jactrisle
  • First Light
  • Billensya Village
  • Charles Town
  • Agnes Hill
  • Coral Village
  • Old Myrtle
  • Olive Village
  • Wehnthor Village
  • Town of Eva
  • Ivy Village
  • Nosar Town
  • Raven Village
  • Ivyaki Village
  • Naar Village
  • Olin Town
  • Rohir Village
  • Elros Village
  • Raldir Village
  • Lena Village
  • Mabel Town
  • Nightwood Village
  • Cathwaer Village
  • Urben Town
  • Old Tilros
  • Gillim Village
  • Old Beth Village
  • Kalrond Town
  • Myrna Village
  • Eleanor Village
  • Old Anna
  • Turwen Town
  • Linlim Village

Village Names

Here are some cool and catchy names for villages that can be used anywhere:

  • Hogsfeet
  • Caerdydd
  • Lockinge
  • Penrith
  • Arkala
  • Culcheth
  • Travercraig
  • Chester
  • Bellechulish
  • Whitebridge
  • Penshaw
  • Matlock
  • Eldham
  • Haling Cove
  • Southwold
  • Hadleigh
  • Alnwick
  • Guthram
  • Rochdale
  • Murrayfield
  • Farnfoss

Town Names

Below are some cool and catchy town names for you:

  • Wavemeet
  • Warlington
  • Pitmedden
  • Addersfield
  • MillerVille
  • Domburton
  • Wealdstone
  • Oar’s Rest
  • Taewe
  • Kilead
  • Briar Glen
  • Wellspring
  • Caerleon
  • Watford
  • Wolfden
  • Hartlepool
  • Helmfirth
  • Lancaster
  • Laewaes
  • Axminster
  • Erstonia

Aesthetic Village Names

Let your readers get a glimpse of what your fictional village is like with these aesthetically pleasing and creative town names.

  • Aurora Village
  • Solitude Square
  • Serendipity Hill
  • Euphoria Town
  • Operose Village
  • Ephemeral Village
  • Eudaemonia
  • Nadir Village
  • Scintilla Square
  • Cherish Grove
  • Languorville
  • Sequoia Village
  • Pristine Hills
  • Sanguine Village
  • Ingenue Village
  • Akrasia Village
  • Halcyon Village
  • Elysian Village
  • Sereina Square
  • Luna Village
  • Panacea Village
  • Irisville
  • Cicely Village
  • Ezra Village
  • Creeksville
  • Efferville
  • Felicity Town
  • Lily Town
  • Mellifluous Village
  • Ripple Hills
  • Neo Village
  • Fusionville
  • Pyrrhic Village
  • Elyxir Village
  • Evanesce Village
  • Nightingale Village
  • Leisville
  • Summerville
  • Watcher’s Village
  • Dazzleville
  • Fetching Square
  • Stunnersville
  • Lovely Village
  • Blessed Village
  • Acca Village
  • Jade Town
  • Esker Village
  • Katara Village
  • Hibiscus Village
  • Sublime Square
  • Lyra Village
  • Solaris Square
  • Alzir Town
  • Cassiopeia Village
  • Navi Village
  • Adhara
  • Orionville
  • Sandyville
  • Farville
  • Mikyla Village
  • Orbit Village
  • Joules Town
  • Zerta Village
  • Uriel Village
  • Berkshire Village
  • Zos Village
  • Town of Ashby
  • Seraphina Village
  • Valentinaville
  • Lucca Village
  • Evie Village
  • Davina Village
  • Amethyst Village
  • Eden Village
  • Lyca Village
  • Clioville
  • Cosima Village
  • Ruby Village
  • Pineville
  • Harmony Village
  • Plushville
  • Moon Village
  • Cosmicville
  • Sublime Village

Village Names for Stories

Creative writing can be tiring when you have to think of the small stuff such as thinking of village or character names for your story. But have no fear for this list will help you.

  • Warlock’s Village
  • Old Ghouls’ Town
  • Happy Smiles Village
  • Grotlik Hill
  • Frendril Village
  • Humm Village
  • Pycea Village
  • Central Grove Village
  • Great Hill Village
  • Moonville
  • Rising Tide Village
  • Treacle Town
  • Griklin Square
  • Friends Village
  • Oakwood Village
  • Twin Village
  • Arctic Village
  • Famville
  • Wyrm Village
  • Sunnyville
  • Two Seasons Town
  • White Town
  • Greene Town
  • Crystal Village
  • Pearl Village
  • Sur Village
  • Mandarin Square
  • Cocoville
  • Hillside Village
  • Rockville
  • Kafeiville
  • Ember Town
  • Autumn Village
  • Angra Village
  • Illyhn Village
  • Anasil Village
  • Meira Village
  • Olea Village
  • Biorno Town
  • Calla Village
  • Avis Town
  • Dawn Village
  • Shae Village
  • Primrose Village
  • Rueville
  • Edwina Town
  • Wren Village
  • Little Whispering
  • White Swan
  • Sprigville
  • Fleur Village
  • Blushville
  • Larkville
  • Sky Square
  • Lorelai Village
  • Vanora Village
  • Town of Esme
  • Quimville
  • Starrville
  • Ebba Village
  • Delphine Village
  • Farrahville
  • Marintopia
  • Bering Village
  • Atlas Village
  • Twig Ville
  • Clover Village
  • Underville
  • Town Galeru
  • Glimmer Village
  • Vine Village
  • Xephov Village
  • Pavo Village
  • Riversville
  • Gemville
  • Akriel Village
  • Forcas Village
  • Town of Ecanus
  • Asura Village
  • Anael Village
  • Genly Village
  • Xoclese Village
  • Kalresu Village
  • Surish Town

Fantasy City Names

Following are the best fantasy city names for you:

  • Blackburn
  • Peterborough
  • Tarnstead
  • Jarren’s Outpost
  • Landow
  • Nearon
  • Kincardine
  • Aysgarth
  • Veritas
  • Openshaw
  • Bredwardine
  • Berkton
  • Wolford
  • Norwich
  • Kald
  • Solaris
  • Kilead
  • Pitmerden
  • Acomb
  • Eldham
  • Warcester
  • Lingmell
  • Kilead

Fictional City Names

Below are some cool and cute fictional city names:

  • Chepstow
  • Penketh
  • Wellspring
  • Hythe
  • Ruthorham
  • Burnsley
  • Hirane
  • Norwich
  • Aerilon
  • Holbeck
  • Narthwich
  • Caelfall
  • Tardide
  • Hammaslahti
  • Kara’s Vale
  • Cappadocia
  • Frostford
  • Llanybydder
  • Aempleforth

Fictional Town Names

Here are some clever and unique fictional town names:

  • Cromerth
  • Wingston
  • Garmsby
  • Kingcardine
  • Perthlochry
  • Frostford
  • Hillford
  • Hardersfield
  • Tarrin
  • Holmfirth
  • Caerleon
  • Ely
  • Ballaeter
  • Penshaw
  • Bradford
  • Wigston
  • Accreton
  • Kameeraska
  • Ferncombe
  • Kilerth
  • Erostey

Fake City Names

Here are some cool and catchy fake city names for you:

  • Carran
  • Jongvale
  • Larnwick
  • Queenstown
  • Whaelrdrake
  • Baerney
  • Wingston
  • Arkney
  • Strongfair
  • Lowestoft
  • Beggar’s Hole
  • Shepshed
  • Perthlochry
  • Ironforge
  • Tywardreath
  • Pontheugh
  • Foolshope
  • Hull
  • Dalmerlington
  • Aucteraden

Small Town Names for a Story

Following are the best small town names for a story:

  • Woodpine
  • Millstone
  • Windermere
  • Lancaster
  • Kirkwall
  • Rotherhithe
  • Astrakhan
  • Watford
  • Ritherhithe
  • Krosstoen
  • Pella’s Wish
  • Grimsby
  • Ayrith
  • Ampleforth
  • Skystead
  • Eanverness
  • Penshaw
  • Peatsland
  • Astrakane
  • Pontybridge

Made up Town Names

Here are some cool and creative made up town names:

  • Caershire
  • Snowbush
  • Sutton
  • Northwich
  • Hogsfeet
  • Claethorpes
  • Sudbury
  • Cherrytown
  • Blue Field
  • Orrinshire
  • Aempleforth
  • Garrigill
  • Jedburgh
  • Eastbourne
  • Taedmorden
  • Venzor
  • Grasmere
  • Ubbin Falls
  • Violl’s Garden
  • Glanchester
  • Bailymena
  • Arkkukari
  • Skargness

Medieval Town Names

Following are the best medieval town names for you:

  • Alryne
  • Aberdeen
  • Roselake
  • Glanyrafon
  • Threlkeld
  • Silverkeep
  • Runswick
  • Yarrin
  • Burrafirth
  • Kilerth
  • Sudbury
  • Putlochry
  • Zeffari
  • Eelry
  • Runswick
  • Narthwich
  • Arkaley
  • Goldenleaf
  • Frostford
  • Auctermunty
  • Redwater
  • Hampstead
  • Barcombe

Futuristic City Names

Below are some cool futuristic city names for your inspiration:

  • Edinborourgh
  • Greenflower
  • Woodpine
  • Cardended
  • Oldham
  • Braedon
  • Snowmelt
  • Butterpond
  • Pontypridd
  • Martslock
  • Jedburgh
  • Panshaw
  • Cardended
  • Porthaethwy
  • Aramoor
  • Norbury
  • Ballachulish
  • Kinallen
  • Torrine
  • Bradfordshire
  • Wingston
  • Bredon

Fantasy Town Names

These are the following fantasy town names:

  • Old Hunrough
  • Happy Hills Town
  • Duvar Town
  • Haxville
  • Old Froktar
  • Bonstrat Town
  • Xynodon Town
  • Town Sulouh
  • Old Alita Town
  • Tenyolk Riverside
  • Town Lamasyava
  • Abraham Town
  • Oliver Town
  • Ernestful Town
  • Old Jactrisle
  • First Light
  • Billensya Town
  • Charles Town
  • Agnes Hill
  • Coral Town
  • Old Myrtle
  • Olive Town
  • Wehnthor Town
  • Town of Eva
  • Ivy Village
  • Nosar Town
  • Raven Town
  • Ivyaki Town
  • Olin Town
  • Mabel Town
  • Riversville
  • Gemville
  • Akriel  Town
  • Forcas  Town
  • Town of Ecanus
  • Asura  Town
  • Anael V Town
  • Genly  Town
  • Xoclese Town
  • Kalresu Town
  • Surish Town

Medieval Town Names

There are few medieval town names:

  • Urben Town
  • Old Tilros
  • Gillim Town
  • Old Beth Town
  • Kalrond Town
  • Myrna Town
  • Eleanor Town
  • Old Anna Town
  • Turwen Town
  • Solitude Square
  • Serendipity Hill
  • Euphoria Town
  • Operose Town
  • Ephemeral Town
  • Eudaemonia
  • Nadir Town
  • Scintilla Square
  • Cherish Grove
  • Languorville
  • Sequoia Town
  • Pristine Hills
  • Sanguine Town
  • Ingenue Town
  • AkrasiaTown
  • Halcyon Town
  • Elysian Town
  • Square Town
  • Panacea Town
  • Irisville Town
  • Creeksville Town

Town Name Generator

These are the catchy town names suggested by the name generator:

  • Cosmicville
  • Warlock’s Town
  • Old Ghouls’ Town
  • Grotlik Hill
  • Frendril Town
  • Humm Town
  • Pycea Town
  • Central Grove Town
  • Great Hill Town
  • Moonville
  • Rising Tide Town
  • Treacle Town
  • Griklin Square
  • FriendsTown
  • Oakwood Town
  • Twin Town
  • Arctic Town
  • Famville
  • Wyrm Town
  • Sunnyville
  • Two Seasons Town
  • White Town
  • Greene Town
  • Crystal Town
  • Pearl Town
  • Sur Town
  • Mandarin Square
  • Cocoville
  • HillsideTown
  • Rockville
  • Kafeiville
  • Ember Town
  • Autumn Town

Fantasy Village Names

Here are some cool and catchy fantasy village names:

  • Cardend
  • Llanybydder
  • Faversham
  • Yellowseed
  • Carlisle
  • Cirencester
  • Aramoor
  • Furness
  • Kincardine
  • Rotherham
  • Emelle
  • Boroughton
  • Carran
  • Ffestiniog
  • Mansfield
  • Huthwaite
  • Marclesfield
  • Pavv
  • Squall’s End
  • Glenarm
  • Dragontail
  • Moressley
  • Hardersfield
  • Gilramore
  • Aria
  • Ecrin
  • Clare View Point
  • Blackburn
  • Oakheart
  • Doonatel
  • Broughton
  • Carlisle
  • Murlayfield
  • Nuxvar

How to Name a Village or Good city names for a fake city

A village is a universe itself consisting of different places and people in it. So, naming a village can be a tough task which can demand a lot of time and effort to invest. This is because, the name will be the first thing a listen would interact with when you talk about a village.

Thus, naming a village is a different process as compared to developing a name for a new venture. Thus, villages are named after any famous personality living there or any famous place in it.

Here are some ideas regarding how to name a village which can make you easy to accomplish.

What Is A Good Name?

A good name doesn’t create confusion or misconception among the listeners. Also, it is doesn’t tease and audience. Generally, It should be a source of joy that carries the capacity to build a good link with the audience.

What is a bad name?

Sometimes, using a generic or vague name can be a bad thing. Thus, a bad name doesn’t reveal useful meanings regarding any business, brand company, or village.

Google it

Before finalizing a name for a village, make sure you have to search it on google. Generally,  It will make you able to know whether any other village has already taken that name or not. It will also help you to control the top hits of Google which in turn helps a searcher to search the village name on google easily.

Simple and catchy name

Sometimes, choosing a village name is not as simple as selecting a name for any business or a company. This is because, a village name should be easy to pronounce and remember even for a layman or villager. How can a villager remember if a village name is complicated, long or tongue twisted?

Thus, if you find it difficult to decide an impressive name for a village, you may think about the names of other villages to spark some ideas in your mind. It will help you to know about the aspects that can form a good name for the village.

Go for Funny Town Names

You can also choose a name fraught with fun. It will also make villagers have a smile on their faces after listening to it. A funny and humorous aspect will make the name easy to remember. On the contrary, a boring or serious name carries the potential to frustrate a listener.

Here are some examples of funny town names that are real:

  • Bat Cave, North Carolina
  • Booger Hole, West Virginia
  • Chicken, Alaska
  • Ding Dong, Texas
  • Hot Coffee, Mississippi
  • Intercourse, Pennsylvania
  • Monkey’s Eyebrow, Kentucky
  • Peculiar, Missouri
  • Pee Pee, Ohio
  • Santa Claus, Indiana
  • Scratch Ankle, Alabama
  • Truth or Consequences, New Mexico
  • Why, Arizona
  • Whynot, North Carolina

Pick something that will last

Picking a name that has long-lasting effects is not as easy as it sounds. So, it can demand a good effort to form a name having a long-lasting effect.

Go easy on the “Offensive Name

Make sure you have developed a name that is not provoking or offensive for a member or community. Before deciding a name for a village, one must consider the religion, race, and sex of its settlers.

Otherwise, it would be an upheaval for a peaceful atmosphere of the village. It can beget any agitation or provoke a community.

Take some feedback

You can also take feedback from the villagers regarding the name you have finalized for the village.

Final Words on Good city names for a fake city

So, that’s all for the Final Good city names for a fake city or small town names for a story.

Hope you have definitely like the post and enjoyed as much as we do sharing it with you, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family members too…

Thank You 🙂

Good City Names For A Fake City
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