Last names with meaning, powerful last names, beautiful last names, badass last names for characters, sophisticated last names, unique last names and meanings: Finding the best last names that sounds pleasant and also fun to share is little bit hectic process that one needs to go through with, but you also need to know that the last names of yours was already given by the parents that is attach with their names. But it is said that we never get a chance to choose our first name but doesn’t mean the last.
So, good last names are not always the most favourable or common names that you found. However, you can have the last name of your choice for your children’s, your game name characters, or can have it by yourself also.
If you are searching for the unique last names and meanings with the same search intent, then you have landed to the right post, without making any further delay let’s dive in deep and explore interesting last names and their meanings that you can choose for yourself or for your choices.
Unique Last Names And Meanings
Last names that you haven’t head before sounds interesting and grab more attention then the most common names that you heard very common. So, let’s explore those showstoppers last names and their meanings.
1. Acker (old English origin) meaning “field”.
2. Agnello (Italian origin) meaning “lamb”. One of the cool last names.
3. Alinsky (Russian origin), a truly unique surname to find.
4. Aphelion (Greek origin) meaning “point of the orbit at the greatest distance from the sun”.
5. Bartley (English origin) meaning “clearing in woodland”.
6. Bixby (English origin) a surname indicating someone living in Bigby, Lincolnshire.
7. Bobusic (Medieval Italy) meaning “battle”.
8. Bonneville (French origin) meaning “good settlement”.
9. Botkin (English origin) meaning “someone who sells weapons”.
10. Brager (Norwegian origin) meaning “thundering or roaring”.
11. Brubaker (German origin) meaning “someone living close to a brook”.
12. Burris (Anglo Saxon origin) meaning “hill”.
13. Butterworth (Anglo-Saxon origin) meaning “home of butter”.
14. Caiazzo (Italian origin) meaning “from Caiazzo, Italy”.
15. Chalut (Latin origin) meaning “beyond”.
16. Clegg (English origin) meaning “haystack”.
17. Coffey (Gaelic origin) meaning “victorious”.
18. Copeland (old Norse) meaning “a land that is bought”.
19. Crespo (Latin origin) meaning “someone with curls”.
20. Croce (Italian origin) meaning “cross”.
21. Dempsey (Irish origin) meaning “proud”.
22. Ditka (Czech origin) meaning “important in war”.
23. Drewitt (German origin) “phantom or ghost”.
24. Hutton (English origin) meaning “settlement”.
25. Kellett (Anglo-Saxon origin) meaning “a slope with a spring”.
26. Lawless (English origin) meaning “outlaw”. A cool surname for a villain character.
27. Merrick (English origin) meaning “fame rule”.
28. Morais (Portuguese origin) meaning “mulberry trees”.
29. Nuttal (English origin) meaning “nut nook” related to a particular area.
30. Ogden (English origin) meaning “oak valley”.
31. Sutcliffe (English origin) meaning “south of a cliff”.
32. Tobin (Irish origin) related to people who originated from Aubyn in France.
33. Ajax (Greek origin) meaning “strong and courageous”.
34. Berrycloth (Anglo-Saxon origin) meaning “grove usually indicating people who resided in Barrowclough”.
35. Birdwhistle (English origin) meaning “a place where birds nest”.
36. Bread (English origin) meaning “good grazing”.
37. Bythesea (English origin) meaning “living near the seashore”.
38. Dankworth (English origin) meaning “from farmstead”.
39. Edevane (Welsh origin) meaning “protector of prosperity”.
40. Fensby (English origin) meaning “dweller of ferns”.
41. Gastrell (English origin) a last name related to William Shakespeare’s home.
42. Loughty (Irish origin) meaning “living near a lake”.
43. MacQuoid (Scottish origin) meaning “son of flames”.
44. Miracle (Welsh origin) last name derived from a word meaning “dark“.
45. Pussmaid (English origin) last name meaning “a little girl”.
46. Relish (old French) meaning ‘taste”.
47. Sallow (English origin) meaning ‘willow”.
48. Slora (Scottish origin) last name meaning “leader”.
49. Spinster (English origin) meaning “to spin thread”.
50. Villin (old English) meaning “commoner”.
Cool last names with meanings
Checkout the cool last names with meanings…
51. Abreo (Jewish origin) last name meaning “a wide counselor”.
52. Agnor (old Norse) meaning “fishhook”.
53. Alvin (old English) one of the more unusual last names meaning “elf friend”.
54. Auclair (French origin) meaning “clear”. Can also be one of the cool names for girls.
55. Anouilh (French origin) among the French last names meaning “a slow worm”.
56. Bain (French origin) meaning “bath”.
57. Barrere (French origin) meaning “obstruction”.
58. Bassett (French origin) meaning “low”.
59. Beauregard (French origin) meaning “fine outlook”.
60. Brassard (Old French origin) meaning “someone who makes arms”.
61. Brierman (German origin) meaning “beer drinker”.
62. Cellier (French origin) meaning “storeroom”.
63. Dardar (German origin) meaning “someone brave and strong in battle”.
64. De la Croix (French origin) meaning “belongs to the cross”.
65. Ebersol (German origin) meaning “wild boar”.
66. Ekker (German origin) meaning “corner”.
67. Escoffier (French origin) meaning “to dress up”.
68. Etter (German origin) meaning “inside the boundary”.
69. Fawzi (Turkish origin) meaning “triumph”.
70. Fisk (Scandinavian origin) meaning “the fish”.
71. Flammia (Roman origin) meaning “red flame”.
72. Floquet (French origin) one of the rare last names.
73. Fonua (Tongan origin) meaning “quarrel”.
74. Fukushima (Japanese origin) meaning “fortune island”.
75. Furyk (Ukraine) one of the rare last or first names for your character.
76. Freed (Jewish origin) meaning “dweller of barren fields”.
77. Fontana (Latin origin) meaning “living close to a spring”.
78. Gaumond (German origin) meaning “death in a battle”.
79. Hanlon (Irish origin) meaning “beheaded in the war”.
80. Houde (French origin) meaning “wealth”.
81. Hubert (German origin) meaning “heart”.
82. Jessup (Anglo-Hebrew origin) related to the name Joseph.
83. Joubert (French origin) meaning “famous”.
84. Lafitte (French origin) meaning “a stone that’s fixed”.
85. Machal (German origin) meaning “a horse keeper”.
86. Mangiarotti (Italian origin) meaning “rat eater”.
87. Ozanne ( Hebrew origin) meaning “save now”.
88. Palomer (Latin origin) meaning “a pigeon keeper”.
89. Paquet (French origin) meaning “firewood seller”.
90. Prevost (French origin) meaning “a chief”.
91. Tasse (French origin) meaning “purse”.
92. Varville (French origin) meaning “towards town”.
Unique Strong Last Names
93. Bardot (French origin) meaning “a noble surname”.
94. Bellamy (Norman origin) meaning “handsome or fair”.
95. Blaine (Irish origin) meaning “slender”.
96. Cassidy (Irish origin) meaning “curly hair”.
97. Caparasso (Italian origin) meaning “shaved head”.
98. Channing (English origin) meaning “young wolf”.
99. Cienfuegos (Spanish origin) meaning “hundred flies”.
100. Dracula (Transylvanian origin) meaning “Dracul’s son”.
101. Escarra (Spanish origin) meaning “left-handed”.
102. Falaguerra (Italian origin) meaning “make war”.
103. Gow (Celtic origin) meaning “who works with metal”.
104. Gushiken (Japanese origin) meaning “strong willed person”.
105. Heroux (German origin) meaning “wolf”.
106. Homa (Gaelic origin) meaning “active”.
107. Igarashi (Japanese origin) meaning “fifty storms”.
108. Ingannamorte (Italian origin) meaning “cheating death”.
109. Jurado (Latin origin) meaning “to swear”.
110. La Cour (French origin) meaning “working in the court”.
111. Lenoir (French origin) meaning “dark”.
112. Madigan (Irish origin) “meaning little dog”.
113. Malfatto (Italian origin) meaning “doer of evil”.
114. Martel (French origin) meaning “hammer”.
115. Methadonna (Italian origin) meaning “old lady”.
116. Pelagatti (Italian origin) meaning “skins cats”.
117. Proulx (old French origin) meaning “brave”.
118. Rossingol (old French origin) meaning “nightingale”.
119. Seisdedos (Spanish origin) meaning “six fingers”.
120. Varon (old German origin) meaning “protection”.
121. Voland (French origin) meaning “agile or flying”.
122. Webster (French origin) meaning “a weaver”.
123. Villalobos (Spanish origin) meaning “town of wolves”.
Interesting and fictional last names
Here we have listed out some interesting and fictional last names that you will love the most.
124. Aaberg (Scandinavian origin) meaning “hill near the river”.
125. Adair (English origin) meaning “a shallow place” used in ‘Search For Tomorrow’.
126. Backus (English origin) meaning “bakehouse”.
127. Barrel (English origin) meaning “nozzle of a gun”.
128. Boone (Old French) meaning “good”.
129. Cacho (Portuguese origin) meaning “thick neck”.
130. Dalloway (English origin) meaning “dweller of the valley”.
131. Deluca (Greek origin) meaning “son of Luca”.
132. Deronda (Hebrew origin) meaning “God is my judge”.
133. Elrod (Hebrew origin) meaning “God is King”.
134. Frollo (French origin) supporter of King Claudius from ‘Hamlet’.
135. Gamgee (English origin) a character from middle earth.
136. Joad, from the novel’ The Grapes Of Wrath’.
137. Omega (Greek origin) meaning “the end”.
138. Whitelock (English origin) meaning “fair haired”.
Weird last names with meanings
139. Bellagamba (Italian surname) meaning “beautiful legs”.
140. Biggerstaff (English origin) meaning “combination of beekeeper and area of landing”.
141. Clampitt (English origin) meaning “mud pit”.
142. Clutterbuck (English origin) meaning “someone originating from Cloerterbook, Flanders”.
143. Greedy (English origin) derived from the Irish surname Gready.
144. Hartshorn (English origin) meaning “staghorn”.
145. Fumagalli (Italian origin) meaning “smoked poultry”.
146. Nutter (English origin) a combination of two words that mean “clerk” and “ox”.
147. Onions (English origin) a surname given to people who grew onions.
148. Pappalardo (Italian origin) meaning “someone who eats lard”.
149. Popplewell (English origin) meaning “bubble spring”.
150. Rymer (Old English origin) meaning “someone making rims”.
151. Scrapetrough (Viking origin) a cool surname for your character.
152. Shellaberger (German origin) meaning “who lives in bell mountain”.
153. Shufflebottom (old English) meaning “the valley where sheep are washed”.
154. Swetinbedde (English origin) a truly weird medieval surname.
155. Walker (English origin) meaning “who works”.
156. Alston (old English) meaning “elf stone”.
157. Bailey (old French origin) meaning attendant.
158. Bell (French origin) meaning “beautiful”.
159. Calvary (Hebrew origin) meaning “purest form of love”.
160. Cohen (Jewish origin) meaning “Priest”.
161. Collymore (old English origin) meaning “clear lake”.
162. Donna (Italian origin) meaning “my lady”.
163. Dwyer (Irish Gaelic) meaning “dark-colored”.
164. Erny (French origin) meaning “vigorous”.
165. Felix (Spanish origin) meaning “lucky”.
166. Faughn (Gaelic origin) meaning “falcon”.
167. Garguilo (Italian origin) meaning “open jaw”.
168. Gilbert (Germanic origin) meaning “famous”.
169. Huxley (English origin) meaning ‘cleaning wood”.
170. Ives (old French) meaning “archer’s bow”.
171. Kirton (old English origin) meaning “church settlement”.
172. Kade (German origin) meaning “fat”.
173. Levine (Russian origin) meaning “lion”.
174. Ledger (German origin) meaning “people with a spear”.
175. Li (Chinese origin) meaning “plum tree”.
176. Melgren (Swedish origin) meaning “middle branch”.
177. Morozov (Russian origin) meaning “frost”.
178. Nash (English origin) meaning “close to the ash tree”.
179. Panchak (Indian origin) meaning “a group of five”.
180. Snearl (English origin) a cool last name for your character.
181. Starr (English origin) meaning “star”.
182. Stolley (German origin) meaning “a loose garment or stoll”.
183. Tahaan (Arabic origin) meaning “merciful”.
184. Tartal (old English origin) derived from “turtle dove”.
185. Tuffin (Greek origin) meaning “appearance of God”.
186. Usoro (African origin) meaning “celebration”.
187. Westbrook (English origin) meaning “west of the brook”.
188. Wallace (French origin) meaning “Welshman”.
189. Wiley (Irish origin) meaning “determined protector”.
190. Yang (South Asian origin) meaning “aspen tree”.
191. Zimmerman (German origin) meaning “carpenter”.
Now let’s explore with last names from different fields and niches.
Last Names Inspired by Creativity & Artistry
- Abara – West African origin. Means “spirit.”
- Amaryllis – Greek origin. Means “new” and “fresh.”
- Flammia – Latin origin. Means “little flame.”
- Fulgencio – Latin origin. Means “brilliant” or “bright.”
- Haku – Japanese origin. Means “poetic.”
- Harper – English origin. Means “harp player.”
- Hemingway – Inspired by one of the greatest writers of all time, Ernest Hemingway.
- Luna – Italian and Spanish origin. Means “light.”
- Nisim – Hebrew origin. Means “miracles.”
- Paisley – Scottish in origin, meaning “church official.” The name of a popular textile design.
- Piper – English origin. Means “player of the pipe.”
- Adair – Scottish origin. Means “shallow place in a river near the oak trees.”
- Adler – German and Yiddish in origin. Means “eagle.”
- Arley – English origin. Means “hare meadow.”
- Barlowe – English origin. Means “one who lives on a bare hill.”
- Beckett – English origin. Means “one who lives near a beehive.”
- Beckham – English origin. Means “location of the small stream.”
- Beaumont – French origin. Means “beautiful hill.”
- Brennan – Irish origin meaning “little raven.”
- Channing- Asian origins meaning “young wolf.”
- Cherith – Hebrew origin. Means “winter stream.”
- Cox – Belgian, Dutch and English origin. Means “rooster.”
- Dagon – Arabic origin. Means “rain cloud.”
- Laurier – French origin. Means “bay tree.”
- Marsden – English origin. Means “swampy valley.”
- Nishikawa – Japanese origin surname. Means “western river.”
- Radley – English origin. Means “meadow of reeds.”
- Ripley – English origin. Means “shouting man’s meadow.”
- Stone – English origin. Name for someone who lived on stony ground.
- Ursus – Latin origin. Means “bear.”
- Vandenberg – Dutch origin. Means “of the mountain.”
Cool character last names
- Balboa – Galician origin. Means “pleasant valley.” Name of a character in the film Rocky.
- Bond – English origin meaning “tied to the land.” Famously worn by movie character James Bond.
- Bourne – English origin. Means “spring” or “stream.” Name of main character in The Bourne Identity.
- Callahan – Gaelic origin. Means “lover of church.”Name of main character in Dirty Harry.
- Corleone – Italian origin. Means “lion heart.” Made famous by the character Don Vito Corleone in the movie The Godfather.
- Everdeen – Anglo-Saxton origin. Name of the heroine in Hunger Games.
- Montana – Spanish origin. Means “wooded upland.” Name of character in Scarface.
- O’Hara – Irish origin. Name of character in Gone With the Wind.
- Stark – German or English origins. Avengers character Tony Stark wore this last name as did primary characters in the series Game of Thrones.
- Starling – English origin. Name of a bird. Last name of character in The Silence of the Lambs.
- Vader – Dutch origin meaning “father.” Last name of the villain in Star Wars.
- Ventura – Italian origin. Means “fate.” Last name of character in Ace Ventura.
Powerful last names with meaning
- Allard – French origin. Means “noble friend.”
- Almond – Middle Eastern origins. Means “noble protector.”
- Bardin – German origin. Means “battle ax.”
- Barrett – German origin. Means “mighty like a bear.”
- Barron – Hebrew origin. Means “young warrior.”
- Brando – German origin. Means “sword” or “fiery.”
- Caddel – Welsh origin. Means ” battle.”
- Carnell – English origin. Means “castle defender.”
- Chevalier – French origin. Means “knight.”
- Curran – Irish origin. Means “hero.”
- Ectorius – Latin origin. Means “defender.”
- Finley – Scottish origin. Means “fair-haired hero.”
- Guillaume – Norman origin. Means “protection” or “strength.”
- Hassan – Arabic name. Means “strong.”
- Heroux – French origin. Means “wolf army.”
- Landry – German origin. Means “powerful ruler of the land.”
- Merrick – Welsh origin. Means “a serving ruler.”
- Nwadike – Nigerian origin. Means “son of the brave.”
- Xander – Greek origin. Means “mankind’s protector.”
- Valor – Latin origin. Means “bravery.”
- Varon – German origin. Means “protection.”
Funny last names with meaning
- Alstone – English origin. Means “elfstone.”
- Alvar – German origin. Means “army of elves.”
- Alvin – English origins. Means “elf friend.”
- Akashiro – Japanese origin. Means “red castle.”
- Burkhardt – German origin. Means “castle” or “fortress.”
- Castellanos – Greek origin. Means “castle.”
- D’Angelo – Greek origin. Means “angel.”
- Dōjima – Japanese origin. Means “temple” or “shrine.”
- Dracos – Greek origin. Means “ogre” or “dragon.”
- Galdur – Icelandic origin. Means “magic.”
- McKenna – Gaelic origin. Means “born of fire.”
- Nanos – Greek origin. Means “dwarf.”
- Nxy – German origin. Means “sprite.”
- Pari – Persian origin. Means “fairy.”
- Abarca – Spanish origin. Means “maker of leather shoes.”
- Beck – Old Norse origin. Means “baker.”
- Bieler – German origin. Maker of hatchets.
- Bichler – Ashkenazi origin. Means “seller of books.”
- Bonetti – Italian origin. Means “hatmaker.”
- Carbo – Roman origin. Means “someone who sells coal.”
- Cooper – English origin. Means “a person who repairs wine barrels.”
- Fletcher – Anglo-French origin. Means “a person who makes arrows.”
- Hasapis – Greek origin. Means “butcher.”
- Suarez – Spanish origin. Means “a person who herds swine.”
Stars like last names
- Cash- Inspired by the late Johnny Cash.
- Cruz – Spanish origin meaning “cross.” Made famous by actress Penelope Cruz.
- Cyrus – Persian origin meaning “sun.” Made notable by entertainers Billy Ray and Miley Cyrus.
- Dean – English origin meaning “church official.” No one was cooler than iconic heartthrob James Dean.
- Dylan – Welsh origin meaning “son of the sea.” Made famous by Welsh poet Dylan Thomas and American singer Bob Dylan.
- Franco – French origin meaning “Frenchman.” Made notable by actor James Franco.
- Harlow – Inspired by actress Jean Harlow.
- Hendrix – Dutch/German origin meaning “estate keeper.” Rocked by musical genius Jimi Hendrix.
- Jagger – Made famous by musical legend Mick Jagger.
- Jolie- French origin meaning “beauty.” Made famous by actress Angelina Jolie.
- Lennon – Made famous by Beatles great, John Lennon.
- Lennox – Scottish origin meaning “elm grove.” Made famous by boxing great Lennox Claudius Lewis and singer Annie Lennox.
- Monroe – Worn by the late and ever stunning actress Marilyn Monroe.
- Nash – Last name of basketball professional Steve Nash.
- Presley – Last name of entertainment legend Elvis Presley.
- Ash – Means “ash tree.”
- Benz – German origin. Means “brave like a bear.”
- Birk – Latin origin. Means “light.”
- Duke – American origin. Means “leader.”
- Fox – Denotes the intelligent, sly animal of the same name.
- Hardy – English origin. Means “bold.”
- Hyde – English origin. Means “one living on a hyde of land.”
- Kade – Scottish origin. Means “of the wetlands.”
- Krul – Dutch origin. Means “curly hair.”
- Moss – English origin. Means “savior.”
- Pierce – Welsh, Irish or English in origin. Means “of the rock.”
- Rush – English origin. Means “one who lives near the rushes.”
- Sloan – Irish origin. Means “the raid.”
- Zade – Persian origin. Means “the son of.”
Rich unique last names and meanings
Here is the best part which you are looking for, select the awesome unique last name with meaning from below listed names.
1. Albrecht
Derived from Germanic Adal (noble) and Behrt (bright or famous), this surname means “illustrious.” Germany’s Albrecht is heir to the most profitable retail chains across the world.
2. Allen
Allen is a boy name having Gaelic origins. It also has Irish roots and is derived from the word álainn, that means “handsome”.
3. Armani
This Italian surname belongs to the luxury clothing brand. Derived from the Germanic name Harman, it is a combination of the words “hari” and “mann,” which means “man of force.”
4. Anschutz
It is a erman name, which means “one who excelled in fighting with a bow”.
5. Augustus
Augustus was the name of the first emperor of the Roman empire. The name means ‘majestic’ or ‘venerable.’
6. Astor
This Franco-English surname means ‘Hawk’ or ‘thunder god.’ The Astor family is famous in the United States and the United Kingdom for their wealth and power.
7. Almas
This Arabic surname means ‘diamond.’
8. Arnoult
This surname of Olde German and Anglo-Saxon origin means ‘to rule.” The Arnoult family is the owner of an empire of several retail brands.
9. Alodia
This Ancient Germanic surname means “foreign wealth.”
10. Arison
This Albanian surname means “gold son” or “powerful.”
11. Audhild
This Norwegian surname comes from auor, meaning ‘fortune.’
12. Aurea
This surname of Spanish origin means ‘golden.’
13. Barbey
This French surname means ‘son of Barbara’ or a nickname from barbet ‘bearded.’
14. Buffet
This French surname means ‘gush of wind.’ Warren Buffet is considered the most successful investor alive.
15. Baldwin
Derived from the Olde English “Bealdwine,” this surname means a ‘bold friend.’
16. Butt
Derived from the French word “but,” Butt means “target” or ‘mark for archery.’ Charles Butt is an American billionaire.
17. Bass
The name is taken from the Old English word Bas. It means ‘humble’ or of ‘small stature.’ Robert Bass is an American billionaire businessman and philanthropist.
18. Barbey
Barbey comes from French Barbé and means ‘son of Barbara.’ Barbey is an heir to America’s VF Corporation retail fortune.
19. Benson
Bechtel is a German surname that means ‘Descendant of Betto’ that refers to ‘bright.’ The Bechtel is an affluent engineering and construction business family from Virginia.
20. Bechtel
Bechtel is a German surname that means ‘Descendant of Betto’ that refers to ‘bright.’ The Bechtel is an affluent engineering and construction business family from Virginia.
21. Byron
This Old English surname means ‘At the barns or cattle shed.” The Byrons are one of the most influential and wealthy families in the US.
22. Cox
This English or Welsh surname means “the little.” This last name was used with the name of a leader or chieftain as a term of endearment. Coxes are one of the 25 wealthiest families in the world.
23. Cathy
This Greek surname is the diminutive form of ‘Catherine.’ The Cathys are one of America’s richest family dynasties.
24. Crown
This France and English surname comes from Crao and means “Royalty,’ ‘Glory,’ and Honour.’ The Crown family has been a perennial member of the Forbes 400 list since 1982.
25. Caesar
This Latin surname means ‘long haired.’ It was glorified by the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar.
26. Chryses
This Greek surname means ‘golden.’
27. Chambers
Chambers is a popular surname of English origin. It means “a who is a person in charge of the exchequer room”.
28. Cargill
This Scottish surname means ‘dweller from Cargill, a place in eastern Perthshire. The multi-generational Cargill family owns one of the biggest private enterprises in the US.
29. Cartier
This Old English surname means ‘one who transports goods.’ Cartier is the Paris-based designer brand synonymous with luxury watches and jewelry.
30. Chanel
This Old French surname means ‘a canal.’ The Coco Chanel brand dealing with dresses, hats, and perfumes is revered by the wealthy worldwide.
31. Dell
Dell is a gender neutral name that means “of the valley”. It is a short form of the name Odell, which a place in England that later turned into a popular English surname.
32. Dumas
One of the wealthiest families of France, Dumas is a topographic name referring to ‘a dwelling of ancient Roman or medieval times.’
33. Dorrance
Dorrance is an Irish last name and is derived from the Gaelic word “torran.” It means “hillock” or “mound.”
34. Du Pont
Du Pont is one of the richest American families. Du Pont is a French surname meaning “of the bridge.”
35. Duncan
An Anglicized Irish and Scottish Gaelic Donnchadh, Duncan means ‘warrior’ or ‘chieftain.’
36. Durst
Meaning ‘boldness,’ the name comes from the Middle High German durst or ‘thirst.’
37. Dara
This Persian surname means ‘wealthy.’
38. Dyson
Meaning “son of Denise,” Dyson is the family name of James Dyson, the man behind the well-known Dyson technology and products company.
39. Eadberht
This Anglo-Saxon surname means ‘bright fortune.’
40. Ecclestone
This English name means ‘church settlement’ and reminds us of British entrepreneur Bernie Ecclestone who founded F1 racing.
41. Ellison
Ellison is both a boy and a girl’s name having British origin. It means “son of Ellis.” Ellis also has a Hebrew root.
42. Eurig
This Welsh surname means ‘gold.’
43. Ecclestone
This English surname means ‘settlement by the church’. The British Ecclestone family’s business is quite diversified and spans many industries.
44. Eurwen
This Welsh surname means ‘blessed.’
45. Fridman
This Jewish family name means ‘peace.’ Fridman is one of the richest families in Russia.
46. Ferdinand
Ferdinand in Spanish means ‘brave.’ The Ferdinands are royal heirs of the Austrian aristocracy.
47. Ferrari
Ferrari in Italian means ‘blacksmith.’ The iconic Ferrari brand was started by the automotive engineer Enzo Ferrari in 1947.
48. Forbes
This Gaelic surname means ‘field.’ The illustrious Forbes family has successful business tycoons and politicians spanning decades in US history.
49. Ford
This Old English surname means ‘river crossing’. Henry Ford was the pioneer of the Ford Motor Company.
50. Fu
This Chinese surname means “rich” or “abundant.”
51. Goldman
This Old English surname means ‘the golden one.’ Marcus Goldman founded the multinational investment bank Goldman Sachs.
52. Gates
Gates is one of the most common surnames in America and is primarily a masculine name having English origin which means “Dweller near the Gate”.
53. Gallo
In Italian and Spanish, this name means ‘rooster.’ The Gallo family of America are the leading wine industrialists globally.
54. Gore
This Anglo-Saxon origin means ‘triangular-shaped land.’
55. Givenchy
Givenchy in French means ‘impressive.’ Givenchy is a famous fashion brand that is a part of the larger LVMH group.
56. Graff
Graff in Anglo-Norman means ‘quill’ or ‘pen.’ The Graff family is luxury jewelry maker with a presence across Europe and worldwide.
57. Gucci
This Italian surname means ‘fashionable” The Gucci family is the owner of the coveted Italian luxury fashion house.
58. Hildebrand
Hildebrand is a folkloric character from a popular Germanic heroic legend. The word brand means “sword” and hild means “battle”.
59. Hoffman
This German surname means ‘Steward.’ The Hoffmans are a famous family of New York, well known among the rich.
60. Hudson
This Anglo-Saxon surname means ‘son of Hugh.’ This surname has been popularized by Kate Hudson, an American actress, author, and fashion entrepreneur.
61. Hodan
This name of Somali origin means ‘lush or rich.’
62. Hearst
Commonly associated with the publishing business Hearst Communications, this Anglo-Saxon name means ‘thicket of trees.’
63. Hunt
Helen Hunt is an award-winning American actress. This Anglo-Saxon surname means ‘hunter.’
64. Hadid
Hadid in Arabic means ‘iron.’ Bella and Gigi Hadid are the most famous Hadids who have solidified their position in the fashion industry.
65. Hermès
While the name means “messenger,” the Hermès family is renowned for their line of luxury products.
66. Hughes
This Germanic surname means ‘fire’ or ‘son of Hugh.’ Langston Hughes was a famous poet, novelist, and playwright from America.
67. Hendrix
This modern surname of Dutch and German origin means “son of Hendrik’ or ‘estate ruler.’
68. Irsay
Irsay is a popular American surname. That means “generosity”, “curiosity”, and “wisdom”.
69. Inyene
This name of Ibobo origin means ‘wealth.’
70. Jae
This Korean surname means ‘ability, talent, or riches.’
71. Jackson
Jackson in Hebrew means ‘God’s Grace.’ Michael Jackson was one of the most successful and richest musicians of his time.
72. Jae
This surname of Korean origin means ‘riches’ or ‘talent.’
73. Johnson
This Scottish surname means ‘son of John’ and has been popularized by actor Dwayne Johnson.
74. Jobs
Jobs is an old Hebrew name that means “persecuted”. It has a special significance attached to the heros in the old Testament.
75. Ji-Yeong
This Korean surname means ‘wisdom.’
76. Jenkins
This name has Flemish and Hebrew roots and means ‘little John.’ Richard Jenkins is a famous American actor.
77. Kimiko
This Japanese surname means ‘noble child’ who is humble despite being rich.
78. Kirk
Kurk is a former modern English and Scottish word that means “church”.
79. Kingston
This Anglo-Saxon surname refers to ‘a family that lived on lands or manors.’
80. Koch
Koch means ‘cook’ or ‘chef’ in German. Charles de Ganahl Koch is an American billionaire businessman and philanthropist.
81. Kohler
This South German name means ‘charcoal burner.’ David Kohler represents the fourth generation of the rich Kohler family.
82. Ka-Shing
Shing means ‘victory’ in Chinese.
83. Kardashian
This Armenian surname means ‘stone carver.’ The Kardashian-Jenner family is a family of entrepreneurs, pop culture, and television artists.
84. King
This English surname means ‘monarch.’ Don King was a successful boxing manager and Julia King is a famous architect.
85. Klein
This surname of Dutch, German, and African origins means ‘small.’ Calvin Klein is a notable American fashion designer.
86. Lewis
Lewis means “renowned warrior”. This name reflects antiquity and has Latin, French and Gaelic origins.
87. Luksa
This surname of Esperanto origin means “luxurious.’
88. Lucertia
This Roman surname means ‘wealth’ or ‘profit.’
89. Lacoste
This French surname means ‘by the coast.’ The Lacoste sports apparel brand exemplifies affluence.
90. Luceria
This Roman surname means ‘wealth.’
91. Lauren
This Latin surname means ‘laurel tree or wisdom.’ Designer Ralph Lauren has been listed on Forbes’ list of the richest people of America.
92. Luksa
This surname of Esperanto origin means ‘luxurious.’
93. Lauder
This Scottish surname means ‘ditch’ or ‘trench.’ The Lauder family of New York are owners of the Estée Lauder Companies.
94. Laurent
This Latin surname means “The Bright One.” Yves Saint Laurent is believed to be one of the first fashion designers of the twentieth century.
95. Lehman
This German surname means ‘tenant.’ The Lehman family founded the financial firm, Lehman Brothers, in the US.
96. Lloyd
This Scottish surname means ‘sacred.’ The Lloyds family from the UK established Lloyds Bank.
97. Lucas
This Latin surname means ‘light.’ George Lucas is a veteran filmmaker with iconic hits such as Star Wars and Indiana Jones.
98. Mars
This Greek surname means ‘God of War’.’ The owner of the confectionery company Mars Inc. occupies the position of one of the wealthiest families in the world.
99. Mc Gregor
This Gaelic surname means ‘son of Griogar.’ Conor McGregor is the ‘highest-paid athlete of 2020,’ according to Forbes.
100. Merck
This Gaelic surname means ‘border area.’ The influential Merck family is a German family with industrial as well as banking ventures.
101. Moore
This means dwelling near a moor or heath and from middle English mor means “open land”.
102. Miller
This Irish or Scottish surname means ‘one who grinds grain.’
103. Mellon
This Gaelic surname means ‘small and pleasant.’ The Mellons are known as one of the top 30 richest families in the United States.
104. Marshall
This old Scottish surname means ‘Love of Horses.’
105. Mountbatten
This German surname is an Anglicized version of Battenberg, a small town in Hesse. Louis Mountbatten was a high-ranking naval officer of the British Empire.
106. Morgan
Morgan in Old English means ‘sea protector.’ J.P Morgan is an established name in the world of finance and banking.
107. Mason
This Italian, French, or English surname refers to ‘someone who did stonemasonry work.’
108. Nicholas
Derived from German and Jewish roots, this topographic name refers to ‘someone who lived in a new house.’ The American Newhouse family fortune stems from a publishing empire.
109. Newhouse
Derived from German and Jewish roots, this topographic name refers to ‘someone who lived in a new house.’ The American Newhouse family fortune stems from a publishing empire.
110. Nubia
This classy surname of African origin means “gold.”
111. Och
This means “ox” and has ancient German roots.
112. Oppenheimer
J. Robert Oppenheimer was the pioneer behind the atomic bomb. The term Oppenheimer in German means ‘one who dwells near a church, hill, or stream.’
113. Orleans
Orleans in French means ‘golden.’ The Orleans family is a part of the royal house of France founded by the Duke of Orleans.
114. Otto
Otto in German means ‘prosperity.’ The German Otto Group is the world’s largest and profitable mail-order company.
115. Ortega
Ortega in Spanish means ‘nettle plant.’ Amancio Ortega is one of the richest men who introduced the world to fast fashion.
116. Peterffy
This is a popular mediaeval surname derived from the English Church that refers to petros which means “rock”.
117. Persson
This Swedish surname means ‘son of Per.’ The Perssons are a rich Swedish billionaire family that owns the popular clothing retailer H&M.
118. Peugeot
This French surname means ‘Goddess.’ The Peugeot family is a successful automotive company in France.
119. Phipps
Phipps comes from the Greek name Philip meaning ‘fond of horses.’ The Phipps family is a notable business family of the US.
120. Prada
This Italian surname means ‘field or meadow.’ Prada is associated with haute couture.
121. Plutarch
This Greek surname means ‘master of wealth.’
122. Pritzker
This Ukrainian surname means ‘someone from Pritski.’ The Pritzker Group is one of America’s richest families who own the Hyatt chain of hotels.
123. Pulitzer
This Polish surname means ‘distinguished.’ The Pulitzer Prize is a prestigious award established by Joseph Pulitzer, a renowned newspaper publisher.
124. Paz
This surname of Hebrew origin means ‘gold.’
125. Plutarch
This Greek surname means ‘master of wealth.’
126. Quandt
This German surname means ‘rogue or joker.’ Gunther Quandt of Germany founded the iconic BMW car company.
127. Roberts
This is a popular German name that means “bright”. It was a popular household name amongst normans and English people during the middle Ages.
128. Reichmann
This Yiddish surname means ‘a wealthy person.’ The Canada-based Reichmann family is one of the most affluent in Canada.
129. Rockfeller
This German surname refers to ‘someone from Rockenfeld.’ The Rockefellers are one of the wealthiest families of America.
130. Revaz
This Georgian surname means ‘successful’ or ‘wealthy.’
131. Rollins
This English surname means ‘Son of Rolf/Rollo.’ Gary W. Rollins is an American billionaire businessman.
132. Reuben
Reuben means ‘Behold, a son’ in Hebrew. The Reuben family runs a highly diversified business, from petrochemicals to real estate.
133. Reynolds
Reynolds means ‘Councilor’ in French. The R.J. Reynolds tobacco company saw much success in America in the late 1800s.
134. Rich
This English surname means ‘affluent.’ Richard Rich was the Lord Chancellor of Essex in the mid-1500s.
135. Romanov
This Russian name means ‘Son of Roman.’ The House of Romanov is a Russian noble dynasty.
136. Roosevelts
This Dutch name means ‘of a rose field.’ Two of the members of the Roosevelt family have been Presidents of America.
137. Revas
This Georgian surname means ‘wealthy’ or ‘successful.’
138. Reyes
Reyes in Spanish means ‘king.’
139. Rothschild
Rothchild means ‘red coat’ in Yiddish. The Rothschild family of Germany reportedly holds the largest fortune ever possessed by a family.
140. Sovanna
This surname of Khmer origin means ‘golden.’
141. Schaeffler
This German name means ‘a cooper.’ The Schafflers own the automotive company Continental AG and are one of the wealthiest families in Germany.
142. Schermerhorn
This Dutch surname means ‘a royal horn.’ Abraham Schermerhorn was a New York-based merchant who bequeathed vast fortunes to his family.
143. Schindler
Schindler means ‘roof builders’ in German. Oskar Schindler was a hero for many Jew families during the Nazi occupation.
144. Schroder
Schroder means ‘cloth cutter or tailor’ in German. Schroders are members of a patrician ruling class and attained much success and wealth.
145. Seinfeld
Seinfield means ‘beautiful fields’ in German. Jerry Seinfeld is one of the richest comedians in the world and a highly successful producer.
146. Siemens
Siemens means ‘one who hearkens’ in Hebrew. The Siemens family is among the top ten richest families in Germany.
147. Soros
Soros means ‘successor’ in Hungarian. George Soros is an American billionaire running multiple successful businesses in investment and finance.
148. Spielberg
Spielberg means ‘lookout point or mountain’ in German. Steven Spielberg is one of the most successful movie directors and producers of Hollywood.
149. Swarovski
This Austrian surname means ‘gratitude.’ Swarovski is a major brand in designer jewelry and crystals.
150. Smith
This old English surname means ‘a blacksmith.’ Paul Smith is an affluent British fashion designer.
151. Spencer
The Spencer family represents nobility and royal ancestry. This English surname means ‘steward or administrator.’
152. Sackler
This Anglo-Saxon surname means ‘a maker of sacks.’ The rich Sackler family are the owners of pharmaceutical companies in the US.
153. Taylor
This British surname of French origin means “cutter of cloth.”
154. Tepper
Tepper is a middle-german occupational surname that is related to people who have been into wine and beer manufacturing and sales.
155. Wang
Wang has a Chinese origin and means ‘king.’
156. Walton
This British surname means ‘walled town’ or ‘a dweller by the wall.’
157. Wertheimer
This is a German and Jewish habitational name for ‘someone from Wertheim.’ Alain Wertheimer is a French billionaire businessman in the US.
158. Viola
Viola means violet and has latin roots. This name is ideal for baby girls as they grow and bloom just like pretty violet flowers.
159. Ziff
This surname is a form of the Hebrew Ze’ev, meaning ‘secular’ or ‘equivalent.’ It means ‘wolf’ in German and English.