Names that mean light, names that mean creator, names that mean world, names that mean universe: A perfect and suitable name for your newborn baby is one of the most important that should be taken very seriously and you should come up with the name that has the unique and best significant meaning.
With that said, you are in the search to pick out the names that mean the universe, then you landed in the right place, as here we have listed everything in detail about the best names that mean universe or universe-related names, without any further delay let’s get started…
Names That Mean Universe
Your thoughts to give your baby a name that means the universe is truly great, as it will always remind her/him that that he or she can do anything as their name is very great and always be grounded.
1. Alioth
Alioth comes from Arabic roots and translates to “fat tail of the sheep.”
Alioth is the brightest star in the Great Bear constellation, Ursa Major. It’s famed for being a navigational star often used by sailors in bygone days.
2. Altair
Depending on the translation, Altair can mean “the flying one,” “soar,” or “bird.” The name is Arabic but has partly Greek origins.
Altair is in the Aquila constellation and is the 11th-brightest star in the galaxy. It’s a space-worthy name but could be confused with a commercial airline.
3. Apollo
Apollo was the son of Zeus and a principal deity in Greek mythology.
Apollo is known primarily in the U.S. as the NASA space program between 1961 and 1972, which took the first humans to the moon. Apollo might be too much of a burden as a first name but would make an unusual middle name.
4. Aries
Aries, pronounced, AYR-eez, comes from Latin.
This name is best known as the first zodiac sign “The Ram,” a constellation of brilliant stars located in the northern hemisphere. In Greek mythology, the golden ram was a sacrifice to Zeus. Despite this association, it’s more than suitable for a baby boy.
5. Astrophel
Astrophel is a literary name meaning “star lover.”
The English poet, Sir Philip Sidney, invented the name Astrophel during the 16th century when he used the name for his work, Astrophel and Stella.
6. Atlas
Atlas is of Greek origin.
Atlas was a Greek Titan, condemned to hold up the heavens for eternity. In astronomy, Atlas is a triple star system belonging to Taurus. It’s one of the fast-rising names on the U.S. charts.
7. Badar
Badar is of Arabic origin and translates in English to “full moon.”
Badar is a strong name with romantic tones and meaning. It’s not common in the U.S. yet, but that could soon change.
8. Castor
Castor comes from Greek and means “pious one.”
Besides being known as being a labor-inducing oil, Castor is one of the twins in the Gemini constellation. It’s a mythological name with an edge. James Hatfield from Metallica gave the name to his son.
9. Cielo
Cielo is an Italian name, translating to “sky.”
Cielo is expansive with sunny, fresh tones, exactly what you look for in an Italian name, although in the U.S, it’s uncommon.
10. Comet
Comet is an English word for a cosmic body of ice and gas that flies through the galaxy. As it gets close to the sun, a comet will begin to melt, releasing gas, and sometimes causing a tail.
Clement Clarke Moore named one of Santa’s reindeer Comet in the poem, The Night Before Christmas, so we believe it might be a better name for a pet than a baby.
11. Cupid
Cupid comes from Latin and translates to “desire.”
Cupid is the famous Roman god of love, known for his diaper and shooting with a bow and arrows of love. Cupid is also the name of one of Santa’s reindeer.
It is now the name of one of Uranus’ moons, first sighted in 2003.
12. Donati
Donati is of Latin roots and means “given by God.”
Donati is the name of a long-period comet, named after Italian astronomer Giovanni Battista Donati. First seen in 1858 — it was the first comet ever photographed.
13. Draco
Draco, in Greek, means “dragon.”
Draco is the name of a constellation in the northern sky. However, it’s probably more known as the name of Harry Potter’s sneering nemesis.
14. Elio
Elio, pronounced EH-lyoh, is derived from Spanish and Italian origins and is their version of the Greek sun god.
Elio is a spirited name, with lots of flair and finesse. It’s a common name in France at the moment, where it ranks in the top 250.
15. Finlay
Finlay is of Irish roots and means “fair-haired hero.”
Finlay is the name of a famous South African astronomer, William Henry Finlay. With this name, you have lots of opportunities to be creative. You can spell it Finlay or Finley, and use the cute nickname, Finn.
16. Galileo
Galileo is an authentic Italian name, meaning “from Galilee.”
Galileo is a well-known name of Renaissance astronomer and mathematician. Following the movie Bohemian Rhapsody, it gained some popularity in the U.S. Still, it may be better as a middle name.
17. Hamal
Hamal is an Arabic word meaning “lamb.”
Hamal is the name of the brightest star in the Aries constellation. It’s a stellar alternative to the popular Jamal.
18. Hesperos
Hesperos is of Greek origin and is the personification of Venus.
Hesperos became a famed name following the poem by Longfellow. However, some will associate the name with the expression “you look like the wreck of Hesperus,” which means disheveled.
19. Hoku
Hoku is a Hawaiian word for “star.”
Hoku sounds as tropical as its birthplace and is suitable for both boys and girls.
20. Holmes
Holmes is an English boy’s name meaning “from the island in the river.”
Holmes is recognizable for the fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes. It’s also the name of a periodic comet, traveling through our solar system.
21. Izar
Izar is of Basque origin and appropriately translates to “star,” as the name was allocated to a binary star in the northern constellation of Boötes.
Izar is usually a girl’s name in Europe, but in the U.S., parents seem to favor it for boys.
22. Janus
Janus is Greek, meaning “gateway.”
Janus was an ancient Roman god who represented transitions and new beginnings. It’s perfect for a baby boy born in the month named after him, January. Janus is also the name of a moon belonging to Saturn.
23. Jupiter
Jupiter was the chief Roman god, equivalent to Zeus in Greek mythology.
Jupiter is the name of the fifth planet from the sun. The name was considered too grandiose or hippie-like for a mortal boy. But times are changing, and Jupiter is beginning to gain popularity in the U.S.
24. Kepler
Kepler is of German origin.
Kepler, pronounced kep-luhr, was the name of a 17th-century polymath, Johannes Kepler, who unearthed the laws of planetary motion. It’s a favored surname in Germany but could be a cute name for a baby boy in the U.S.
25. Kuiper
Kuiper is of Dutch roots and means “cooper.” Kuiper is pronounced ky-per. It’s often translated to Cooper in English-speaking countries.
Kuiper is the name of a small band of space rocks, floating near Neptune. It’s also the surname of a famous astronomer who founded the Lunar and Planetary Lab in Arizona, Gerald Kuiper.
26. Leo
Leo is of Latin and German roots and means “lion.”
Leo has been a popular name since the time of the Romans. It has always been a favorable nickname for boys named Leon, Leopold, and Leonardo.
Most of us associate Leo with an astrological star sign, and a northern constellation depicting a lion.
27. Lintang
Lintang is an Indonesian name that translates to “star.”
Although Lintang has an original sound to it, it might be too exotic for a Western-world baby. Still, it has a stellar meaning and could work as an intriguing middle name.
28. Meteor
Meteor is an English name that astronomers give to small metallic or rocky bodies that shoot through the galaxy.
Meteors are slightly smaller than asteroids. This name would undoubtedly be unique within your child’s peer group.
29. Namid
Namid is of Native-American roots and means “star dancer.”
Namid is a beautiful name with an even better meaning. It has an exotic, middle-eastern sound to it. It’s a rare name but, with its beautiful translation, it’s attractive and not entirely over the top.
30. Neptune
In Roman mythology, Neptune was the famed god of the sea and earthquakes. He’s the Roman variant of Poseidon.
In astrology, Neptune is the seventh planet from the sun, making it one of the coldest planets in our solar system.
31. Oberon
Oberon is of English origin and translates to “noble” or “bearlike.”
Shakespeare used Oberon for a character in the play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Oberon is also a moon belonging to Uranus. If you prefer, you can use the spelling variant, Auberon.
32. Orion
Orion stems from Greek roots.
Orion is famous for being the rising star — the name contains both celestial and mythical overtones. In Greek mythology, Orion was a hunter who pursued the daughters of Atlas, and who was later slain by Artemis. Zeus then placed him as the brightest constellation in the sky.
33. Perseus
Perseus is a prominent name from Greek mythology.
Perseus was a godly hero in Greek legends — he was one of Zeus’ sons. Perhaps the most famous of his victories was beheading the gorgon Medusa and then gifting her head to Athena. In astronomy, Perseus is a constellation found in the northern sky.
34. Phoenix
The name Phoenix comes from Greek mythology and means “dark red.”
Phoenix is one of the minor constellations found in the southern sky. The legendary phoenix bird has become a symbol of immortality. The name is becoming quite favored in the celebrity world.
35. Pluto
Pluto stems from ancient Greece and relates to “rich.” In Roman mythology, Pluto is the god of the underworld.
The name belongs to a planet in the Kuiper belt. When Pluto was discovered in 1930, it was considered the ninth planet. Today, however, Pluto has been reclassified as a dwarf planet.
36. Pollux
Pollux is a Greek word meaning “crown.”
Pollux, in Greek mythology, was the name of Castor’s twin brother, making him the other twin in the Gemini constellation. Pollux could be a cool name in our modern world — the “x” gives it an edge.
37. Qamar
Qamar comes from the Arabic word for “moon.”
Qamar is pronounced Kah-mar and is a wonderful alternative to Omar. Qamar is quite edgy, great if you’re seeking a memorable name for your baby boy.
38. Rasalas
Rasalas is another name with Arabic roots, but this one signifies “the northern star of the lion’s head.”
Rasalas is an exotic-sounding name used for a star within the Leo constellation. It’s one of the rarer Arabic names for boys, which is fantastic for modern parents.
39. Regulus
Regulus comes from the Latin for “prince.”
Regulus was a name used for a character in the Harry Potter stories and is also the name of the brightest star in the Leo constellation. Regulus sounds unusual, but you could always go with the nickname, Reggie.
40. Rigel
Rigel is Arabic and means “foot.”
Rigel is a dazzling star in the constellation of Orion. Though not a common pick for a boy’s name, we think it may be a quirky alternative to “Nigel.”
41. Sabik
Sabik derives from Arabic for “one who comes first.”
Besides being the perfect name for a firstborn, Sabik is a star in Ophiuchus. The name represents new beginnings, and it’s unique for parents who want their children to have a standout name.
42. Samson
Samson comes from Hebrew and translates to “Sun.”
Samson is likely to do quite well, seeing the popularity of Samuel and the highly sought-after nickname Sam. According to Hebrew legends, Samson was a strong champion in Israel, who fought against the Philistines. The name is slowly separating itself from that association.
43. Saturn
In Roman mythology, Saturn was the god of agriculture.
When all the names on earth don’t seem to fit, jump six planets over. Saturn is a peculiar name for a baby boy, but not entirely unusable.
44. Sirius
The name Sirius comes from Latin origin and signifies “burning.”
Sirius is mostly associated with two things, the character from Harry Potter or the brightest star in the galaxy. Sirius might be better suited as a middle name.
45. Sol
Sol is Spanish for “sun.”
Sol, pronounced Sahl, is an excellent name for a baby boy. It has those old-school vibes that many parents are craving these days.
46. Taurus
Taurus is Latin in origin and means “bull.”
Taurus is a constellation found in the northern hemisphere. It’s also a sign of the zodiac. Taurus would make a great name for a fiery little dude, but try your best to stick to the nickname Taw or Russ, not Bull.
47. Titan
Titan is a Greek mythology name meaning “leader.”
The name stems from the Titans — a band of powerful, immortal giants. If we take a trip to Saturn, it’s the name of its largest moon. Titan isn’t common, though, it ranks in the top 1000.
48. West
West is an English word name.
West is probably one of the more popular direction names, along with North, thanks to Kim Kardashian. West is a common surname, but more parents are choosing it as a middle name, while a daring few put it first. It’s a name that will turn heads.
49. Wolf
Wolf is a common Native American name.
Some see Wolf exclusively as an animal name. It may be popular because of the nature of the animal, strong, loyal, monogamous, and social. In astronomy, Wolf (Wolf-Rayet) is a type of rare star, that emits scorching gasses.
50. Zenith
Zenith is an English word for “the highest or crowning point.”
Zenith represents the point of the celestial sphere that’s directly above an observer on earth. Although the meaning isn’t intergalactic-interesting, the name is quite lovely. It sounds like an edgy version of Dennis.
51. Adhara
Adhara is derived from Arabic roots and means “virgins.”
One of the most brilliant stars in the sky is called Adhara. It’s a bright name too, and great for baby girls — you could even choose a spelling variation, such as Adara.
52. Alcyone
Pronounced Al·cy·o·ne, Alcyone is a name from Greek mythology.
Alcyone was the daughter of Aeolus and married Ceyx. The pair was happy but enraged the ancient gods by calling each other Hera and Zeus. One day when Ceyx was at sea, his ship sank, and out of grief, Alcyone threw herself into the ocean.
Alcyone is now notable for being the brightest star in the Pleiades.
53. Alpha
Alpha stems from Greek and is the first letter of their alphabet.
In astronomy, Alpha is the name used for the most radiant star in every constellation. It would make a bold pick for a first daughter, giving her some girl boss vibes by letting everyone know she’s number one.
54. Alula
Alula is of Arabic descent and translates to “the first leap.”
It’s the palindromic name of a rare binary star system (two stars that appear as one because of their proximity). If you’re expecting twins, it would be fantastic for the firstborn.
55. Alya
Alya comes from Russia, Turkey, and Arabic-speaking countries, where it relates to “heavens,” “exalted,” and “highborn.”
We know the name from the star system, Theta Serpentis. It’s a common first name given to girls in Islam.
56. Amalthea
Amalthea is a Greek mythology name meaning “tender goddess.”
Amalthea is believed to be the name of either a goat or a goat-keeping nymph. In Greek legend, she nursed Zeus while he was an infant and kept him safe from his dangerous father, Cronus.
In astronomy, the constellation, Capra (translation: she-goat), is thought to represent Amalthea. It’s also the name of one of Jupiter’s moons.
57. Andromeda
Andromeda stems from Greek and translates to “advising like a man.”
In Greek legends, Andromeda was the daughter of Cassiopeia, who Athena made into a constellation. The star cluster is called The Bohemian Andromeda.
58. Aquarius
Aquarius is another Greek name, known as the constellation between Pisces and Capricorn.
The cluster resembles a person pouring water. Aquarius is also the 11th sign of the zodiac and isn’t exactly a common name for babies.
59. Ariel
Ariel comes from Hebrew roots and translates to “lion of god.”
This biblical name is seen as the messenger of Ezra and is symbolic of Jerusalem city. In the western world, however, Ariel is more familiar in popular culture as the protagonist in the 1989 Disney movie, The Little Mermaid.
Ariel is also one of Uranus’ moons. It’s the fourth-largest to orbit this distant planet.
60. Astra
Astra means “of the stars.” and has Greek origins.
With intergalactic vibes, Astra is a fantastic space baby name. Some may recognize it from the character, Princess Astra in Doctor Who.
61. Aurora
Aurora comes from Latin and means “the dawn.”
The name stems from the Roman goddess of sunrise, who created dew with her tears. According to legends, she traveled from East to West, thus renewing herself each dawn.
It also relates to the scientific phenomenon that causes the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) and the Aurora Australis (Southern lights) near the magnetic northern and southern poles.
62. Belinda
Belinda comes from German and Spanish roots and translates to “pretty one” or “serpent.”
According to Babylonian mythology, Belinda was a goddess, ruling over heaven and Earth. Alexander Pope used the name for the heroine in his poem, The Rape of the Lock.
Belinda is also the name of one of the moons orbiting Uranus.
63. Bellatrix
Bellatrix is a Latin name, used to define the term “female warrior.”
In astronomy, Bellatrix is the name of a star in the Orion constellation. However, the name has drawn more attention from the evil character in the J.K. Rowling series, Harry Potter. If you can ignore that association, Bellatrix is a beautiful name with an even stronger meaning.
64. Bianca
Bianca stems from Italian roots and means “white.”
Bianca has been a contender on the top charts since the beginning of the 1900s and enjoyed immense popularity in the 1990s. The name was given to one of Uranus’ moons when it was discovered by Voyager 2. It’s an Italian and Shakespearean variant of Blanche and would make an excellent pick for winter babies.
65. Calypso
Calypso is derived from Greek and is a name for “she who hides.”
According to Greek mythology, Calypso was an island nymph who imprisoned Odysseus for seven years. It’s a colorful name that’s also quite favored for boys.
Calypso is the name of a moon, discovered in 1980, orbiting Saturn.
66. Capella
Capella comes from Latin for “little she-goat.” Capella is the name of the 11th brightest star and carries both astrological and mythological importance.
In astrology, the name symbolizes wealth and military honor. In Roman mythology, it was the goat that nursed Jupiter. Capella is mentioned in several legends, including Persian and Aboriginal.
67. Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia was a queen of great vanity in Greek mythology.
Cassiopeia, pronounced kass-ee-oh-pie-ah, was the name of the legendary mother of Andromeda. She was transformed by Zeus into a constellation alongside her daughter for offending Poseidon.
It’s a mouthful of a name, yet attractive and exotic. You could always use the nickname Cassie or Casey.
68. Celeste
Celeste comes from Latin and means “of the heavens.” Parents with children already may know it from Queen Celeste of the Babar elephant stories.
A beautiful name that has been in the top 1,000 for over 130 years, Celeste is a good pick for the daughter that means heaven and Earth to you.
69. Chandra
In Hindu, Chandra is the moon goddess.
The name peaked in the western world around the 1960s when incense and meditation were the hot new thing. However, because of its resemblance to Sandra, it could easily become favored again.
70. Charon
Charon is from mythology, and the name means “of keen gaze.”
Charon’s pronunciation has everyone scratching their heads. According to Greek mythology, Charon, pronounced kare-on, was the ferryman of dead souls, dwelling in the underworld. In astronomy, however, Charon, pronounced share-on, is Pluto’s moon.
71. Cordelia
Cordelia has both Latin and Celtic origins, and it represents “heart” or “daughter of the sea.”
Cordelia was one of King Lear’s daughters, known for her sympathetic nature. Astrologers gave her name to the innermost moon of Uranus. Cordelia has both charm and style — there are loads of possibilities for nicknames, including Cora, Lia, Delia, or Del.
72. Corona
Corona is a Spanish word for “crown.”
Corona is the name for an aura of plasma floating around the sun. Although it’s a beautiful name, many are likely to associate it with beer or the recent outbreak of a respiratory illness.
73. Cressida
Cressida comes of Greek origin and translates to “gold.”
It is the name of one of the smaller moons orbiting Uranus. Cressida has starred in both Greek mythology and Shakespearean literature. Today, it’s familiar as a character from “The Hunger Games,” and the name of author Cressida Cowell.
74. Cybele
The bearer of the name Cybele, pronounced Cyb·e·le, has a mighty name to live up to as it means “mother of all gods.”
In Greek mythology, Cybele was the goddess of health, nature, and fertility. Because of the strong association, it’s only fitting that astronomers gave the name to the largest asteroid in our solar system.
75. Danica
The meaning of Danica from Slavic origin, “morning star,” is believed to be a representation of the sun. It resembles Danielle, Dana, and Daniela, but it’s not a variant of those names.
Danica isn’t as common as it was a few years back, but we’re confident it can make a comeback. Racecar driver Danica Patrick has brought the name into the mainstream.
76. Despina
Despina comes from Greek and is a word for “lady.”
Despina is probably best known from Mozart’s opera Cosi fan Tutte, but it’s derived from the Greek mythological name, Despiona. She was the daughter of Demeter and Poseidon. Today, the name also belongs to one of Neptune’s moons.
77. Dione
Dione is derived from Greek sources and translates to “divine queen.”
In Greek legends, Dione, pronounced dy-OH-ne, was the mother of Aphrodite. The name is given to a moon near Saturn. However, it might be confused with Dionne or Dion.
78. Elara
Elara springs from Greek roots.
Elara was a mythological lover of Zeus, who had to give birth to a giant baby (ouch). In astronomy, it’s the lovely name given to one of Jupiter’s moons.
79. Electra
Another Greek name, Electra, means “bright” or “shining.”
Electra is a brilliant choice for a strong girl — it gives off sparky vibes that won’t go unnoticed. Astronomers gave the name to a giant star found in the Taurus constellation.
80. Eris
Eris is a mythological name for the goddess of discord and strife.
The name has also made strides in pop culture. Eris joined forces with Maleficent, the Horned King, and others to form “The Dark Council” to defeat Chernabog’s rise in the universe.
In 2005, Eris became the name of a dwarf planet, sometimes referred to as the tenth planet.
81. Faye
Faye is of English origin and signifies “fairy.”
Faye isn’t the name of a galaxy far away (not that we know of anyway). It is, however, the name of a famous astronomer, Hervé Faye. Faye was the name given to 410 baby girls during 2018 in the U.S.
82. Flora
Flora is a Latin and Scottish name for “flower.”
Flora is the name of an asteroid orbiting the sun. The name is believed to be from the Roman goddess of spring and flowers, who was blessed with eternal youth. Flora is a nature name, excellent for summer and spring baby girls.
83. Galatea
Galatea is of Greek lineage and pertains to “she who is milk-white.”
The name stems from the legendary sculptor, Pygmalion, who created his ideal woman from carved ivory, giving her an incredibly pale appearance. When he fell in love with his creation, Aphrodite brought her to life, naming her Galatea due to her skin. Galatea is also the name of a moon circling Neptune, sometimes called Neptune VI.
84. Gemini
Gemini is of Latin roots and means “twins.”
Gemini is most famous as the name of the astrological sign. Geminis are into self-love, believing you can only love others after learning to love yourself.
85. Helene
Helene is a French name meaning “bright” or “shining one.”
Helene is the name of a moon belonging to Saturn, discovered in 1980. Helene can be spelled or pronounced in various ways, from Heleen to Helaine. It was a favored name back in 1916 but was off of the popularity charts by 1970.
Names that mean light, names that mean creator, names that mean world, names that mean universe.
86. Hilda
Hilda springs from Germany, where it means “battle woman.”
Hilda is a short variant of Brunhilda, who was a Valkyrie of Teutonic legend. It is also the name of a group of asteroids, often referred to as “The Hildas.”
87. Hoshi
Hoshi is a Japanese name, which translates to “star.”
With a short, quick pronunciation, Hoshi is catchy and stylish. Thanks to its astrological meaning, it’s a fantastic pick for parents who dare to be bold.
88. Ida
Ida is of German origin and signifies “industrious one.”
Ida was the name given to an asteroid in the Kronis family by Austrian astronomer Johann Palisa. Ida has great potential — it’s in the group of short, vowel names that are making a comeback, alongside Ava and Ada.
89. Indu
Indu originates from Hindi for “moon.”
Indu is an unusual name, but it’s not on the absurdly, weird, never-gonna-happen list. It’s a stunning moon name, which resembles Luna and Serena.
90. Juliet
Juliet comes from English and French origins and signifies “youthful.”
As the essence of romantic names, Juliet is both stylish and delicate. The name has somewhat outgrown its link to Romeo and is ready for use in the U.S. In astronomy, Juliet is the name of a moon near Uranus.
91. Kamaria
Kamaria is a Swahili word, which means “moonlight.”
Kamaria sounds and looks like an extension of Maria. It has a beautiful lilt when spoken and would make a rare name in the U.S.
92. Larissa
Larissa comes from Greek and Russian origins and translates to “citadel.”
In mythology, Larissa was a nymph. Today, it is the name of the moon of Neptune. This name would be a fresh change from the more common Melissa, Clarissa, and even Alyssa.
93. Luna
Luna is an Italian name and was the Roman goddess of the moon.
The word is derived from Latin and has gained popularity in the last couple of years, probably thanks to Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series.
94. Nova
Nova stems from Latin roots and means “new.”
In astronomical terms, a nova is a star, which suddenly grows in brightness before fading. Nova sounds similar to Noah — it’s crisp and fresh, excellent for a 21st-century baby.
95. Rhea
Rhea is Greek and has a lovely translation, “a flowing stream.”
Rhea is an original name with a Greek mythological meaning — she was the earth’s mother of all gods. Rhea is also the second-largest moon orbiting Saturn. The actress Rhea Perlman is probably the most famous owner of the name.
96. Selena
Selena is of Latin origin and means “moon goddess.”
Selena is a favored name within the Latino community and has several famous bearers, such as Selena Gomez. It’s a stylish name, resembling other contenders such as Celia and Seraphina.
97. Stella
Stella is derived from Latin roots and translates to “star.”
A poet called Sir Philip Sidney first coined the name in his work “Astrophel and Stella.” This name caught on and has been on the U.S. charts for years.
98. Thalassa
Thalassa is of Greek roots and means “the sea.”
Thalassa is one of the moons of Neptune, discovered and named as recently as 1989. Otherwise, Thalassa is a rarely used name. In ancient times, Thalassa was a personification of the ocean.
99. Venus
Venus stems from Latin.
Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty, an equivalent of Aphrodite. Venus is also the famed second planet from the sun as well as the moniker of tennis champ Venus Williams.
100. Zaniah
Zaniah is an Arabic name meaning “corner.”
Zaniah is a triple star system in the constellation of Virgo. While it’s not even on the popular name spectrum, Zaniah gives us some edgy vibes.
Unisex Names that are Inspired By Planets and Celestial Bodies
1. Blaze
Blaze is a gender-neutral name of Latin origin meaning “fire” or “flame.”
2. Cielo
Italian in origin, the name Cielo is used both for girls and boys and means “sky”. Italian word name that is broad and cheery.
3. Eclipse
The meaning of this name involves celestial bodies.
4. Eden
Eden’s name translates to “a land of joy and enjoyment.” It is a name with biblical and Hebrew origins that is enchanting and tranquil.
5. Galaxy
The word Galaxy, which is of American origin and generally gender-neutral, literally means “Large System Of Stars.”
6. Halo
Greek in origin, the name Halo is typically given to females and means Divine Aura. A circular aura of light is frequently portrayed over the head of an angel or a spiritual figure.
7. Heaven
Home Of The Gods And Celestial Beings is the meaning of the name Heaven, which is generally a female name of English origin.
8. Infinity
Infinity is largely a gender-neutral American name with the meaning “endless.” Infinite in both space and/or time.
9. Marz
Marz is a Latin baby boy name, meaning “Manly; Virile.”
10. Meridian
A boy’s and a girl’s name, Meridian, means “midday/apex”.
11. Neptune
Neptune is the name that means the roman god of the sea.
12. Rocket
The meaning of the name Rocket is “Jet-propelled Tube,” and it is largely a gender-neutral name of English origin.
13. Saturn
Roman God Of Agriculture is the meaning of the name Saturn, which is primarily a male name of Latin origin.
14. Shadow
Shadow is of English origin and means “shadow” for both girls and boys.
15. Solveig
The meaning of the Scandinavian baby girl name Solveig is “the strong house or daughter of the sun.”
16. Starla
Starla can be the ideal name for astronomy buffs. The meaning of this feminine title, which has British and American roots, is “star.”
17. Sunshine
The meaning of the word Sunshine, which is of English origin, is “light from the sun.”
18. Trek
A journey or movement, especially one challenging or requiring intricate planning: is a difficult voyage.
19. Virgo
The first records of the word Virgo come from before the year 1000. Its origins are in a Latin word that means “maiden” (in the sense of a young unmarried woman).
20. Zenith
Zenith developed from Arabic phrases meaning “the way over one’s head,” and then migrated through Old Spanish, Medieval Latin, and Middle French before reaching English.
Planets, Celestial Bodies, and Other Space-Inspired Names For Baby Boy
1. Aldrin
Aldrin is an Old English-derived boy’s name. Its meaning of “old” immediately lends an air of antiquity.
2. Altair
Altair is an Arabic baby boy name that means “falcon.”
3. Arche
Arche is the name of the moon that orbits around the planet Jupiter.
4. Armstrong
Armstrong is a surname that originated in the Scottish Borders. It comes from a Middle English nick-name for someone who had powerful arms.
5. Astro
Astro is a boy’s name that means “star.”
6. Astrophel
The name comes from the Latin word “stella,” which means star, and the two Greek words “aster” (star) and “phil” (lover).
7. Aten
Aten is the name of a group of asteroids. One of the uncommon space names for boys, it is easy to spell as well.
8. Buzz
Buzz is an American-born boy’s name. This name means “settlement in the woods,” despite being most famously associated with the touching and amusing character of Buzz Lightyear in the Toy Story film series.
9. Callisto
The name in Italian is derived from the Greek word kallistos, which means “fair” or “good.”
10. Calypso
Greek in origin, Calypso is a name for both girls and boys that means “she who hides.”
11. Comet
The word comes, which ultimately derives from the Greek word kometes, which literally means “long-haired star,” was used in Old French.
12. Cosmo
Cosmo means the whole universe and will surely be the perfect name for your loving son.
13. Cygnus
The Milky Way’s northernmost constellation, Cygnus, gets its name from the Latinization of the Greek word for swan
14. Deimos
It is the name of one of the many moons on the planet of Mars.
15. Eos
Simple and sweet, Eos is the family name given to a group of asteroids.
16. Galilei
The Latin name “Galilaeus,” which means “of Galilee,” a biblically significant region in Northern Israel, is where the Italian male given name “Galileo” (and subsequently the surname “Galilei”) originates.
17. Holmes
Holmes was the name of a comet, the largest object in the whole solar system some years back.
18. Janus
It is the name of one of the moons of the planet Saturn.
19. Jericho
Jericho has an Arabic origin and means the city of moons.
20. Jett
The name Jett means “free” or “black stone.”
21. Jupiter
It is the largest planet in our solar system and the fifth closest to Sun.
22. Leo
Leo means “lion”. It is also one of the star signs in the zodiac system.
23. Luke
Luke means “bringing light” in Greek. It is a condensed form of the Latinized name Lucas, which is a translation of the Greek name Loukas.
24. Mars
Mars is the name of the red planet in the solar system. Short and easy to pronounce, it will suit your little boy perfectly.
25. Mercury
The smallest planet in the solar system, Mercury, will suit your son if he is the youngest in the family.
26. Meteor
A meteor is a brief, blazing streak in the sky caused by a meteoroid that has entered the earth’s atmosphere; it can also be referred to as a shooting star or bolide.
27. Oberon
It is the name of the significant moon on the planet Uranus. Oberon sounds very sweet and nice.
28. Pallas
Pallas is the name of a family of asteroids.
29. Phoebus
Phoebus means “bright and dazzling” in Greek.
30. Phoenix
Phoenix is the name of a constellation and has a very modern ring to it.
31. Planet
The word “planet” is derived from a Greek word that means “passively drifting, wandering, or roaming,” and it is the root of several other words that are linked to planetary.
32. Pluto
One of the planets in the solar system has five moons. Names that mean light, names that mean creator, names that mean world, names that mean universe.
33. Red
What does the name “Red” mean? The gender-neutral name Red, which is of English origin and means Red Haired, is generally used for boys.
34. Saros
Greek in origin, the name Saros for boys means “sweep.” Eclipses cycle back on themselves throughout this time period.
35. Sky
Sky refers to the beautiful galaxy of the universe. A unique name perfect for your son.
36. Sol
Hebrew roots can be seen in the gender-neutral name Sol. Its two meanings—” prayer for” or “peace”—will both demonstrate to your kid that they are a blessing in your life and contribute to the betterment of the planet.
37. Starr
Star refers to the stars in the sky. Beautiful and shiny this name is always a hit with many parents.
38. Tarique
The meaning of the name Tarique in Arabic is Morning star.
39. Themis
Themis is the name of a group of asteroids and is a unique name.
40. Thule
It is the name of a large asteroid discovered in the year 1888. An uncommon name for your little boy.
Conclusion on Names That Mean Universe
As said your thought is to have a baby name that means the universe is truly awesome and great, just choose the best name out of the box tons of listed names, and have it for your baby. Names that mean light, names that mean creator, names that mean world, names that mean universe.
So, that’s all for the best names that mean the universe, hope you have definitely liked the post as much as we do share it with you, don’t forget to share it with your friends who are searching for the same thing.
Thank You 🙂