Korean English names girl, unique Korean girl names, Korean girl names with Kim, beautiful Korean girl names, popular Korean girl names: Korean names have a unique beauty and cultural significance and have become increasingly popular all over the world. When choosing a Korean name for a girl, it is important to consider its meaning and the cultural values it represents.
In this post, we’ll explore ten of the most popular Korean girl names and what they symbolize. So, without any further delay let’s dive in deep and explore more…
Popular Korean Girl Names
Checkout the best and most popular Korean girl names that you may find interesting and worth having for your new born baby girl.
- Soo-Yeon: This name means “graceful and beautiful.” It is a popular name for girls in Korea, as grace and beauty are highly valued traits.
- Hye-Jin: This name means “bright and intelligent.” It is often given to girls who are expected to be bright and intelligent, and who is seen as the future leaders of their families and communities.
- Seo-Yeon: This name means “refined and elegant.” It is a popular name for girls who are seen as poised and sophisticated, and who embody traditional Korean beauty and grace.
- Min-Jae: This name means “bright and talented.” It is a popular name for girls who are expected to be both bright and talented, and who are seen as the future leaders of their families and communities.
- Jin-Soo: This name means “truth and purity.” It is a popular name for girls who are seen as pure, honest, and truthful, and who are expected to embody these traits throughout their lives.
- Da-Hae: This name means “big and beautiful.” It is a popular name for girls who are seen as big-hearted and beautiful, both inside and out.
- Bo-Young: This name means “eternal and brave.” It is a popular name for girls who are seen as brave and unwavering, and who are expected to be steadfast and true throughout their lives.
- Soo-Jin: This name means “gentle and compassionate.” It is a popular name for girls who are seen as gentle and compassionate, and who are expected to embody these traits throughout their lives.
- Yoo-Ri: This name means “graceful and willowy.” It is a popular name for girls who are seen as graceful and willowy, and who embody traditional Korean beauty and grace.
- Ha-Na: This name means “full of grace.” It is a popular name for girls who are seen as full of grace and poise, and who embody traditional Korean beauty and grace.
Cool Korean girl names
- Ae-Cha: Meaning “loving daughter”, Ae-Cha can also read as Aecha when written in Hangul (애차) – and that means “favorite car”. Maybe sit on that translation until she’s driving you crazy as a teenager!
- Ari: This bite-sized baby name means “pretty”, “lovely”, and “beautiful”. Perfect.
- Binna: This sweet-sounding name means “to shine”, which is ideal for your little diamond. 💎
- Bong-Cha: Most parents try to avoid playing favorites, but all bets are off with this name. Bong-Cha translates as “superior daughter”.
- Bo-Bae: Following a bit of a theme here, Bo-Bae translates as “precious treasure”. Yes, she is.
- Boram: Meaning “valuable” or “worthwhile”. Naturally!
- Choon-Hee: This one means “spring girl”. Just what you need if she’s born when the flowers bloom. 🌼
- Da-Eun: Joining Da (“many”) with Eun (“charity”, “kindness”, or “mercy” gives you a name overflowing with meaning.
- Dal-Rae: Derives from the verb dalraeda, which means “to soothe”.
- Dan-Bi: Meaning “sweet rain” or “long-awaited rain”, Dan-Bi could be a beautiful rainbow baby name.
- Eun: As above, this short and sweet Korean girl’s name means “kindness” or “charity”.
- Ga-Ram: Meaning “river”, this name flows with purpose.
- Gyeong-Ja: Meaning “celebrate child”. And we just know you will.
- Hana: This name means “one” or “my favorite”. Sorry, siblings!
- Haneul: “Heavenly sky”. Does it get more beautiful than that?
- Hyun-Joo: Meaning “virtuous jewel”, this Korean name is pure and special.
- Iseul: This one simply means “dew”. A lovely name for your little dewdrop.
- Jae: Meaning “talent”, “ability”, or “wealth”. Take your pick of abundance, mama.
- Ji-Hye: The most common meaning of this Korean girl’s name is “bright” or “wisdom”.
- Ma-Ri: This one means simply “the best”. And to you, better than all the rest.
- Myeong: Meaning “bright”, “light”, or “clear”, this wonderful name sparkles.
- Nabi: As your little one leaves the cozy cocoon of the womb behind, this name rather fittingly means “butterfly”.
- Nari: This one means “lily” – every bit as lovely as the flower it’s named for.
- Sun-Young: All a parent really wants is for their child to be “kind-hearted” — which is what this name means.
- Yeong-Ja: If you want your daughter to grow up fearless and full of adventure (and who doesn’t?) then Yeong-Ja could be a winning choice. It means “brave child”.
Below we have listed out some more Korean names that you may find interesting and best to choose from. Without any further delay let’s explore that too.
Popular Korean Girl Names
1. I-Jun 이준
This common Korean girl name means ruler, talented, and handsome in Korean
2. Seo-Jun 서준
This name means “auspicious” and “handsome” in Korean.
3. Su-Ho 수호
This name in Korean means guardian
4. Yu-Jun 유준
Tender friendship, and courageous friend is the meaning of this name in Korean.
5. Ye-jun 예준
This name means “talented” and “handsome” in Korean.
6. Ji-Ho 지호
The meaning of this name varies based on the hanja used. It can mean “wisdom,” “knowledge,” or “fierce.”
7. Eun-U 은우
This unisex name means king in Korean
8. Si-U 시우
Start / divine intervention or protection is the meaning of this name in Korean
9. Ha-Jun 하준
This name means Great Summer in Korean
10. Do-Yun 도윤
In Korean, this name means Permitted path
11. Ha-Joon 하준
The meaning of this Korean girl’s name varies based on the hanja used. It can mean “summer,” “great,” or “talented.”
12. Min-jun 민준
If this name calls to you it means clever and talented in Korean
13. Ha-Joon 하준
This name also means Great Summer in Korean
14. Seo-yoon 서윤
This name means “prosperous omen” and “soft” in Korean.
15. Seo-Yeon 서연
Similar to the name above, this name means “prosperous omen” and “graceful” in Korean.
16. Ha-eun 하은
This girl’s name means “great” and “silver.”
17. Ji-Yoo 지우
Depending on the Hanja combination, this name can have several meanings. The most common is “wisdom” and “abundant.”
18. Ji-woo 지우
This is a popular feminine name in Korea and it means “wisdom” and “universe.”
19. Ha-rin 하린
There are several meanings for this name, the most commonly used is “eternal beauty.”
20. Soo-ah 수아
This name means “beautiful waters” in Korean.
21. Ji-ah 지아
This Korean girl’s name means “refined wisdom” and “beautiful purpose.”
22. Seo-ah 서아
This name means “auspicious” and “beautiful.”
23. Ga-Ram 가람
This beautiful name in Korean means River
24. Haneul 하늘
This is an indigenous one-syllable given name that means “sky.”

25. Jae 재
This unisex name means “talent.”
26. Ji-Hye 지혜
Bright, wisdom is the meaning of this Korean name
27. Myeong 명
Similar to the name above: bright, clear, brightness is the meaning of this name
28. Nabi 나비
Butterfly is the beautiful meaning of this name
29. Dal-Rae 달래
In Korean this name means to soothe, or lull
30. Choon-Hee 춘희
This delicate Korean girl name means Spring girl
31. Bo-Bae 보배
Treasure, precious is the meaning of this name in Korean
32. Boram 보람
Valuable, worthwhile holds a lot of meaning in Korean
33. Sun-Young 선영
This name has a lovely meaning of kind-hearted, good
34. Yeong-Ja 영자
In Korean this delicate name means flower, brave, flourishing
35. Binna 비나
This name means to shine in Korean
36. Ha-yoon 하윤
This popular Korean girl’s name means “talented” and “allow.”
37. Bong-Cha 봉차
This Korean girl’s name means “superior daughter.”
38. Ga-Ram 가람
This name translates as a river.
39. Ma-Ri 마리
Ma-Ri is an ancient Korean word meaning the best.
40. Nali 나리
This name means lily in Korean
Elegant & Posh Korean Girl Names
1. A-Yeong 아영
Refined grace is the meaning of this name in Korean
2. Aera 에어라
This beautiful Korean name means love
3. Hyun-Ok 현옥
This Korean girl name means wise / jade or gem
4. Iseul 이슬
Iseul means dew in Korean
5. Hyun-Jae 현재
Wise and respect is the meaning of this name in Korean
6. Hyun 현
This Korean name means “virtuous”
7. Hyo 효
This name means filial duty in Korean
8. Hyo-Sonn 효손
Similar to the above this name means filial and gentle
9. Hei Ryung 헤이룽
In Korean this name means Grace and brightness
10. Hee-Young 희영
This meaningful name means joy and prosperity in Korean
11. Hea 헤아
Grace is the meaning of this elegant name
12. Hana 하나
In Korean, this name translates to “the number one.”
13. Hae-Won 해원
Hae-Won is a Korean unisex name that means the graceful and beautiful garden.
14. Gyeong 경
This name is from Sino-Korean and it means “capital city”
15. Goo 찐득찐득한 것
Completeness is the meaning of this Korean name
16. Eun-Kyung 은경
Eun-Kyung means grace and honor.
17. Eun Ae 은애
Similar to the name above this name means grace with love
18. Eui 의
The meaning for this Korean name is righteousness
19. Doh 도
This name means accomplishment in Korean
20. Chung-Cha 청차
This meaningful name translates to righteous girl, the noble daughter
21. Chun Cha 차춘
This Korean girl name is the alternative spelling for the one above
22. Cho 조
This name is derived from a Korean royal family name. It means “beautiful.”
23. Chin-Sun 진순
This name means truth and goodness in Korean
24. Bitna 비트나
This Korean name means to shine
25. Bom 봄
Spring(time) is the meaning of this Korean name
26. Bada 바다
This beautiful Korean name means ocean
27. Bae 배
Inspiration is the meaning of this name in Korean
28. Areum 아름
The meaning of this name is beauty
29. Ara 아라
Tranquility is the meaning of this Korean name
30. Ahnjong 안종
This Korean girl’s name is an alternative to the above

31. Ah-In 아인
This name means to feel deeply
32. Yon 욘
This powerful name means lotus blossom
33. Yong 용
This Korean name means “glory”
34. Young-Il 영일
Most prosperous is the translation of this name
35. Wook 욱
This powerful name means dawn, the rising sun in Korean
36. Young Mi 영미
Young Mi means “prosperity”, “eternal”, and “good-looking” in Korean.
37. Moon 달
Despite what you may think, this name means “smart one.”
38. Mishil 미실
A beautiful kingdom or an admired dynasty
39. Mun-Hee 문희
This name means literate girl in Korean
40. Byeol 별
This Korean girl’s name means “star.”
41. Chin-Sun 진순
The one who seeks truth and goodness in everything, truth and goodness
42. Da-Eun 다은
Da-eun means “kindness” in Korean.
43. Dam-Bi 담비
Dambi means sable, martin.
44. Eun-Ju 담비
This name means grace, silver, flourish/pearl, pillar, state in Korean
45. Geumseong 금성
Venus is the meaning of this Korean name
46. Geu-Roo 금성
This powerful Korean name means tree
47. Gyeong-Ja 경주
This Korean name means celebrated child
48. Gyeong-Hui 경희
Respect, honour, beauty is the meaning of this Korean name
49. Hwan 환
This Korean name means “integrity.”
50. Hyun-Joo 현주
The translation of this name means virtuous, able, worthy / jewel, pearl
51. Jeong-Hui 정희
Quiet, still, gentle and beautiful, bright, or glorious is the meaning of this name
52. Jeong 정
This single syllable Korean name means “quiet and gentle.”
53. Jung-Hyun 정현
This Korean name means wise or affectionate
54. Jung-Hwa 정화
One who is rich and righteous is the meaning of this name in Korean
55. Mi-Gyeong 미경
This Korean name translates to beautiful city or a beautiful view.
56. Min-Ji 민지
This name in Korean means clever, sharp and wise, intellect, perceive or comprehend.
57. Myeong-Suk 명숙
Foundation of ages is the translation of this name
58. Sang 상
Always is the meaning of this name.
59. Seul-Gi 슬기
Blue jewel combined with foundation, the rise is the beautiful meaning of this Korean name
60. Sook-Ja 숙자
This name means pure, charming, or virtuous child in Korean

Cute Korean Girl Names
1. Yoona 윤아
This spiritual name means “the one who is the light of God.”
2. Sook 그래서 확인
This is another uncommon one-syllable name and it means “pure” or “light” in Korean.”
3. Paenji 팬지
After the Korean word for “pansy.”
4. Ae-Cha 애차
In Korean, this name means “a loving daughter.”
5. Bong 봉
After the Korean mythological phoenix
6. Chin 턱
After the Korean word for precious
7. Chul 철
This gender-neutral name means “firm.”
8. Chun 춘
This name is mainly seen in South Korea and the most common meaning is “spring.”
9. Chung-Ae 청애
This name means righteous love in Korean
10. Dae 대
The meaning of this name varies based on the Hanja characters used. Its most notable meaning is “great”
11. Dong 대
This Korean name means “east”
12. Du 뒤
Head is the meaning of this name
13. Gi 미군 병사
Brave; foundation is the translation of this name
14. Gook 국
This name means nation in Korean
15. Ha-Neul 하늘
This name means sky in Korean
16. Hae 해
This Korean girl’s name means “ocean.”
17. Hee 히
This baby girl’s name means “pleasure.”
18. Hei 헤이
This name means “grace”
19. Hei-Ran 헤이란
This name means “grace” and “orchid.”
20. Ho 호
“Ho” means “humanity” or “goodness.”
21. Ho-Sook 호숙
In Korean, this name means “a clear lake.”
22. Hwa-Young 화영
The beautiful flower is the meaning of this Korean name
23. Hye 혜
This unisex Korean name means “knowledgable.”
24. Hyo-Sonn 효손
This name means filial and gentle in Korean
25. Hyun-Ae 현애
Clever and loving is the wonderful meaning of this name
26. Hyun-Ok 현옥
You’d be wise to choose this name as it means wise pearl in Korean
27. In 안에
Humanity; wise is the meaning of this name
28. Ja 자
The Korean meaning of this name is attractive; fiery
29. Ji 지
Depending on the Hanja combination, this name can have several meanings. The most common is “wisdom”
30. Jin 진
“Jin” can mean “excite.”
31. Joo 주
Jewel is the meaning of this Korean name
32. Joo-Eun 주은
This name translates to silver pearl
33. Jung 정
Popular in Korean dramas, this name means “silent” and “chaste.”
34. Ki 기
This name means “one who has risen.”
35. Kwan 관
This Korean girl’s name means “strong girl.”
36. Kyong 경
This is a unisex name that is more used for boys. It means “brightness.”
37. Kyung 경
Kyung means “respected” in Korean.
38. Kyung-Hu 경후
This name means “a girl in the capital” in Korean.
39. Kyung-Soon 경순
In Korean, this name means “honored” and “mild.”
40. Mee 미
This lovely Korean girl’s name means “beautiful.”

Cool Korean Girl Names
1. Mi-Cha 미차
Mi Cha means “gorgeous” in Korean.
2. Mi-hi 미하이
Beautiful joy is the meaning of this name in Korean
3. Mi-Ok 미옥
This stunning name means beautiful pearl
4. Min 분
This Korean name means “clever.”
5. Mun-Hee 문희
The literate girl is the meaning of this name in Korean
6. Myung 명
This baby girl’s name means “brightness”
7. Myung-Hee 명희
This baby girl’s name means “brightness” and “pleasure.”
8. Myung-Ok 명옥
Bright pearl is the Korean meaning of this name
9. Nam 남
The meaning of this name differs based on the Hanja used. One of the most common meanings is “south”
10. Ryung 령
This Korean name translates to a brightness
11. Sam 샘
Third, in order is the meaning of this name
12. Shik 식
This name means planting
13. Shin 정강이
The meaning of this Korean name is belief
14. So 그래서
This name means “beautiful” in Korean.”
15. Soo 수
This Korean name means “excellence” or “long life.”
16. Sook 그래서 확인
This is another uncommon one-syllable name and it means “pure” or “light” in Korean.”
17. Soon-Bok 순복
This lovely name means gentle and blessed
18. Suck 빨다
Hardness is the meaning of this powerful name
19. Sun 해
In Korean, this name means “goodness.”
20. Sun-Hi 선하이
Good; joyful is the meaning of this name
21. Sung 성
From Korean, “Sung” can mean “succeeded”
22. Whan 환
The meaning of Whan is “always growing” in Korean.
23. Woong 웅
This Korean girl’s name means “grand” and “magnificent.”
24. Yoon 윤
This popular Korean girl’s name means “allow.”
25. Young-Il 영일
Most prosperous is the meaning of this beautiful name
26. Young-Soon 영순
This Korean name means flowery and mild
27. Chin-Hwa 진화
This name means most wealthy in Korean
28. Hyun-Ki 현기
This lovely name means wise
29. Jae-Hwa 재화
In Korean this name means rich and prosperous
30. Kil 킬
Cool is the meaning f this name
31. Nam-Gil 남길
“My way” is the translation for this powerful name
32. Saja 사자
This cool and powerful Korean name means lion
33. Seung 승
This comes from a Korean surname and it means “winning.”
34. Soohee 수희
White or luminous is the meaning of this name
35. Yuri 유리
This name means “glass” or “crystal.”
36. Hiah 히아
This Korean name means glad
37. Ji-Hu 지후
Later wisdom is the meaning of this name
38. Ji-Seok 지석
The meaning for this name is like a rock
39. Kang 강
Ginger is the meaning of this Korean name
40. Namjoo 남주
This name in Korean means wooden marble
41. When Yeong 언제 영
In Korean this name translates to reflective shadow
42. Won-Shik 원식
Head of the family is the powerful meaning of this name
43. Yoon-Suh 윤서
In Korean, this name means “forever young.”
44. Youra 유라
Silky is the meaning of this delightful name
45. Minali 미나리
This cute Korean name means Buttercup
46. Labendeo 라벤데오
This name translates to the flower Lavender
47. Pugsya 푸샤
Fuchsia is the meaning of this delicate name
48. Soo-A 수아
This name means “beautiful waters” in Korean.”
49. Suseonhwa 수선화
Daffodil is the meaning of this Korean name much like the flower
50. Tyullib 튜리브
Tulip is the translation of this Korean name
51. Jelanyum 젤라늄
Geranium is the meaning of this unique Korean name
52. Jebikkoch 여비콕
Like the flower this name means violet
53. Jaeseumin 재스민
A unique name, this Korean name means jasmine
54. Heonbyeong 헌병
Snowdrop is a delicate name in Korean
55. Hiseu 히스
This Korean name is the alternative to the English Heather
56. Holli 홀리
Holly is a name in English and also a flower
57. Indongdeong-Gul 인동등굴
This unique name means Honeysuckle after the flower
58. Haebaragi 해바라기
Sunflower is a beautiful translation of this Korean name
59. Geum-Eocho 금어초
Snapdragon is both a beautiful and strong translation of this Korean name
60. Geumjanhwa 금잔화
This name can be translated to Marigold
Conclusion on Popular Korean Girl Names
In conclusion, Korean girl names have a unique cultural significance and are a beautiful way to express the values and expectations that parents have for their daughters. Whether you are looking for a name that represents grace, beauty, intelligence, or purity, there is a Korean name that is perfect for you and your baby girl.
So, that’s all for the popular and beautiful Korean girl names, hope you have found this post helpful and informative too, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family too who want to name their girl a Korean name.
Thank You 🙂