Funny ways to say goodbye, slang ways to say goodbye, sweet ways to say goodbye, different ways to say goodbye: So you seem to be bored saying and repeating the same thing to almost everyone you have engaged in office, parties, meetings, and all while separating or taking permission to leave. Goodbye is a gentle soft-spoken term to be used while you are going.
But does it sounds very normal as almost every second person you met using the same, so if you have landed on this post to search for the same thing which can be used as an alternate, synonym for goodbye or different ways to say goodbye…
Then you have landed on the right post, as here we have listed out tons of ways which you can use to say goodbye as an alternate.
Different Ways to Say Goodbye
If you are preparing for the IELTS or any other English proficient exams or preparing for abroad education or jobs, then you can just learn the below listed forms and ways to say goodbye that is very soft spoken and gentle that can be easily used as an alternative of it.
Moreover, if you care about someone very deeply then saying goodbye to them doesn’t suit as much as saying the phrases which we have listed, just try them out. So, without any further delay let’s dive in deep and explore different ways to say goodbye.
1. See ya later, alligator!
Easily one of the high school types statements that you must have heard! It is also a 1950s rock song and one of the oldest ways to bid farewell.
2. Fare Thee Well
While farewell is anyway a term associated with sad goodbyes, fare thee well is another pick in our repository that has a synonymous song. It is a subtle way of implying that you want the other person to live well and have a happy life.
3. Smoke me a kipper, I’ll be back for breakfast.
It is a casual way of telling your gang or your loved ones that you’d be back before they know it! Want to go for a run? SMAKIBBIB is the ideal abbreviation you are looking to tell people that a jiffy is all they need to wait for you.
4. Catch you on the flip side!
Generally used by DJs, this term basically implies the reverse side of a vinyl record. It means that they’d perhaps see you after the planned performance is over. But you can use it as a fun way to say goodbye.
5. Don’t get run over!
This is for people who do not like to overdo the mush factor. It is a subtle way to imply that” I want you to be safe, but I am not going to do the whole conventional, take care drama with you!” Use it with people you are pally with and not just anybody.
6. To the winch, wench!
Ahem, this is not a very recommended way to say goodbye to somebody. But, again, if the person you are parting with has the stomach for such slang, by all means, go ahead with this farewell greeting.
7. Cheerio
The word is quite self-explanatory! All you need to do to say goodbye, be happy in a fun way is to say something like, “Cheerio, see you Friday!”
8. I need to scoot!
Another simple slang for “I gotta go,” this one implies urgency and is easily one of the most casual and fun ways to say goodbye.It is generally used during phone conversations or casual meet-ups and is definitely your friend when you do not want to overdo the bye-bye.
9. Long live and prosper!
More than fun, this is historic fun! It is a very royal way to tell people to have a great life and prosper in all that they do! So, yes, you can use it as a classy way to say goodbye.
10. Catch you on the rebound.
Okay, so this is ideal for people who want to postpone the next meeting, perhaps indefinitely. Catch you on the rebound is simply a way of saying that I’d see you around, today, tomorrow, or maybe never.
11. Okay bye, fry guy!
Have a friend who frequents food places with you? Then, you can simply use this food-centric phrase to end your current food escapade. Obviously, since it has fries in it, nothing can go wrong, right?
The other three ways are extremely fun, but they are more for people who love animals or kids. Simply use these phrases to say goodbye and let your child get out of the door without any hard feelings of separation.
12. Out to the door, dinosaur!
13. See you soon, raccoon!
14. Goodbye, crocodile!
15. Take it easy.
Do you feel life is being too hard on a colleague? Want to give them a verbal fist-bump sort of motivation? Then, Take it Easy is definitely the right option for you.
16. Have a good one!
Easily one of the best ways to say goodbye, this one is all about wishing someone well in a fun way. We generally use this before seeing somebody off on a date or a trip.
17. Have a nice day/week.
You can simply let the other person know that you wish them well and want them to have a good day or week. You don’t usually use this for people who are too close to you, but an acquaintance would appreciate this wish quite a bit.
18. Until next time!
Until next time is a good way of saying that somebody would stay in your memory, and you are sort of looking forward to meeting or speaking to them next.
19. Keep in touch.
You’d see a lot of these flying around, especially during reunions and such events. This is to let the other person know that you would like to stay updated about their whereabouts, but not necessarily all the time.
Funny ways to say goodbye, slang ways to say goodbye, sweet ways to say goodbye, different ways to say goodbye.
20. I gotta say take off!
This is one of the best ways to say goodbyewhen neither of you is able to decide how to end the meeting. Simply say, “I gotta take off” without any further clarification about what you need to do.
21. Talk to you later.
Hey yo, I M generation? This is definitely a phrase you know way too well. Talk to you later is a simple way of saying goodbye until the next conversation crops up. It’s a subtle way to imply that you would speak to them but without any time frame.
22. I’ve got to get going.
This one is quite self-explanatory, right? Nothing gets as simple as that. We are fans of transparency and straightforwardness, hence, it is defined in the best ever manner possible.
23. Farewell!
It can be perhaps your last word before you really move out the door. Again, in the category of simple and to the point phrases, this one literally never fails us!
24. Peace out!
We would highly recommend this phrase when you want to end a heated argument or conversation. This can be over text, on the phone, or even in person. It is you just saying that enough now, let’s end this on a simple note without any hard feelings.
25. Don’t make it long…keep it short!
This is generally to let the other person know that you do not want them to stay away for too long. Simply keep your separation bit short and come back for a delightful conversation as soon as it fancies them.
The remaining three ways are the most tried and tested best ways to say goodbye:
26. I look forward to our next meeting.
27. Thanks and Warm regards
28. Goodnight!
Best Ways To Say Goodbye
29. Adios, Hippos!
30. I’m off like a dirty shirt!
31. In a while, crocodile!
32. Hasta lasagna, don’t get any on ya.
33. So long, suckers!
34. Adios, Amigos!
35. Toodaloo, Caribou!
The following are slightly more unique and less used. But, if you are looking for funny and cool ways to say goodbye, pick one from the following repository:
36. Take it easy, greasy! You’ve got a long way to slide.
37. Love, peace, and chicken grease!
38. Don’t get lost on your way to class!
39. Catch ya later, future dudes!
40. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
41. Later, potato!
42. Shine on, you crazy diamonds.
Cute Ways To Say Goodbye
43. Asta la vista, baby!
44. So long, King Kong!
45. Toodles
46. Tootle-loo, Kangaroo!
47. Cheerio
48. Keep in touch
49. Take care, love!
50. Bye, see you soon, muah!
51. Happy Trails
52. Time to scoot, little newt
53. I gotta bounce.
54. Don’t get attacked by a bear, it’s night-time!
55. Be good, and don’t get caught.
56. Thank you for your cooperation. Farewell.
57. Once more unto the breach, dear friends!
58. Influence everyone in a good way.
59. See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya!
60. Peace out, girl scout!
61. Chop chop, lollipop!
62. Okay, scoot!
63. Can’t star, blue jay!
64. Later, haters!
65. Have fun storming the castle!
66. Adieu, cockatoo!
67. Give a hug, ladybug!
68. Bye, Felicia!
This is slightly rude, but when you want somebody to get out of your face, it is perhaps the best hint you can give them.
69. I am sorry, I can’t, don’t hate me!
This is for people who want to break up on good terms. If you do not want the other person to hold you responsible and yet say bye, this is definitely the best pick for you.
70. Don’t call us, we will call you!
Whenever you sense that the other person may get on your nerves for following up, this is an ideal way to put all the cards on the table. You can simply ensure that they do not sit on your head while you are juggling other things.
71. You haven’t seen the last of me!
This is a beautiful way to say that there is a lot left for the other person to discover. It is not the end, and there is quite a bit the other person can still see.
72. Last call!
This is typically used in flights and all that, but it is more of a final warning before farewells are made. Use it in your real life too to keep the discipline and the fun in tandem.
73. Hate to cut this short.
Whenever you meet a new acquaintance and want to end things on a good note, simply use this term so that you do not have to bother much about them feeling bad.
74. Show’s over!
Well, there is no better way to end a get-together in our eyes. It is definitely one of the most unique ways to say goodbye. It means your time with the other person is done, and you are looking forward to perhaps setting up the next meet-up.
75. Until next millennia!
This is for people who are like, umm.. really boring, and you do not want to see them for a really long time. Also, it is ideal for people who make you feel like any moment of separation from them is like an entire millennium to you. It’s a two-edged sword, so use it wisely in whichever context that suits you.
76. Maybe in another lifetime.
Ideal for couples that did not work out, this is a really heartbreaking way of saying goodbye. All you mean is that you are sad things didn’t turn out the way you expected them to this time around.
77. Peace out!
Yes, we know it is a repetition, but it is still a creative way to say goodbyebecause people don’t use it as a convention generally.
All of the following terms are self-explanatory. Use them to end things on a good note and keep it simple. They are quite creative and are sure to put a smile on the face of the person you are saying goodbye to!
78. Stay classy!
79. Oh, and in case I don’t see you—good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!
80. Don’t forget to come back.
81. Blow a kiss, goldfish!
82. You know you love me, XOXO!
83. Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it be tomorrow.
84. Better shake, rattlesnake!
85. Don’t trip on a raindrop.
86. Shabba Khair
Shabba Khair is a beautiful way to say, “may your night pass well,” or “have a great night” in Urdu. Shab means night, and khair means well.
87. Alvida
Alvida means goodbye in Hindi. Most people use it in a more intense way than casual, but nevertheless, it is a beautiful term and one of the nice ways to say goodbye.
88. Au revoir
Au revoir is the French term for goodbye. But the beautiful part about it? It is never a complete farewell. It implies, Au revoir, until next time!
89. Adios
Any Spanish fans in the house? Adios is a very casual way to bid farewell. It is also one of the sweet ways to say goodbyewithout involving the mush factor.
90. Bon Voyage
Just an extremely simple way to say that have a good journey in French. It is used for expressing your wishes before someone heads off on a long journey.
91. Sayonara
If you are a little acquainted with the Japanese culture, this term is perhaps familiar to you. However, it is not a casual way to say bye. It means more of an ending to a phase sort of a thing.
92. Atsiprasau
Looking for unique ways to say goodbye? Trust the Lithuanian language to do the trick for you. It is a lesser-known way to say goodbye, and you are sure to get a little inquisitive reaction.
93. La revedere
La revedere is another beautiful way to say goodbye to your loved ones. It is a Roman phrase.
94. Dasvidaniya
Dasvidaniya means until the next meeting in Russian.
95. Khuda Hafiz
This is a combination of Persian and Arabic. Khuda means God, and Hafiz means will take care. So, if you want to tell somebody that you would want God to take care of them, this is definitely the best way to say goodbye.
96. Laa Gòn
Trust the Thai always to have something unique to offer. Here is a very oriental way for you to say goodbye to somebody you love!
97. Namaste
Namaste is a dual purpose phrase. You say it to people when you meet them and also while bidding farewell. It is typically used in India, in the primary language, Hindi.
98. Farvel
TheDanish like to keep it simple. They picked an English word, added their accent, and it became their way of saying goodbye! Anybody for Farvel?
99. Ma’a as-salaama
While it is used in the context of goodbye, it means peace be with you. It is definitely a unique way of saying goodbye.
100. Aloha
Feeling exotic? Want to use the tropical expression for goodbye? Then, Aloha is perfect for you to bid farewell in a Hawaiian manner.
101. Auf Wiedersehen
This is a German term for goodbye. However, it is used in a very formal manner.
Conclusion on Different Ways to Say Goodbye
Saying goodbye is very normal nowadays, so you just with the above-listed phrases and you will be surprised with an awesome response. Funny ways to say goodbye, slang ways to say goodbye, sweet ways to say goodbye, different ways to say goodbye.
So, that’s all for the Different Ways to Say Goodbye, hope you have definitely liked the post as much as we do share it with you, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family too, they will also use some of the best terms and ways to say goodbye.