700+ Cute, Unique & Funny Green Parrot Names in 2025 [Must Read]

When it comes to naming your green parrot, it’s essential to choose a name that reflects its unique personality and showcases its vibrant green plumage.

Green Parrot Names

Whether you have a Quaker parrot, an Amazon parrot, or any other green parrot species, if you have landed this post then will provide you with some creative and meaningful name suggestions, along with tips on how to select the perfect name for your avian companion.

So without making any further delay, let’s dive in deep and explore those awesome tips, tricks, suggestions, and all.

Green parrot names with meaning

Certainly! Here are some green parrot names along with their meanings:

  1. Jade: Named after the precious green gemstone, symbolizing beauty and elegance.
  2. Kiwi: Inspired by the green fruit, representing freshness and vibrancy.
  3. Willow: Derived from the willow tree, known for its graceful green branches.
  4. Pistachio: Named after the delicious green nut, representing a playful and lively nature.
  5. Basil: Inspired by the aromatic green herb, symbolizing vitality and zest.
  6. Clover: Named after the lucky four-leaf clover, representing good fortune and prosperity.
  7. Emerald: Named after the vibrant green gemstone, symbolizing wealth and abundance.
  8. Sprout: A name that signifies growth and new beginnings, perfect for a young parrot.
  9. Moss: Inspired by the lush green plant, representing a connection to nature.
  10. Ivy: Derived from the climbing green vine, symbolizing resilience and adaptability.

Male Parrot Names

  1. Petey– Let’s start with this classic parrot name.
  2. Greenie– You could choose one that describes your bird’s color.
  3. Paulie– This is another very popular parrot name.
  4. Peter– Names that start with “P” are very common for parrots.
  5. Pan– Like Peter Pan, the literary character, who wears green.
  6. Crackerjack– This fun play on the work “cracker” is a great choice.
  7. Peg Leg– Pirate names work well for parrots.
  8. Pirate Pete– This is one of our favorite pirate names.
  9. Hulk– You could go with a silly pop culture name.
  10. Jolly– Or you could give your bird a happy name.
  11. Argento– Try this tropical-sounding name for your male parrot.
  12. Zorro– Or you could give your bird an exotic hero’s name.
  13. Long John Silver– This is another great pirate choice.
  14. Raptor– For his sharp claws.
  15. Blue– Named after the bird from the movie Rio.
  16. Petrie– This is another common and fun “P” name for a parrot.
  17. Sir Lancelot– You could go with something very distinguished sounding.
  18. Marvin– Or you could choose a normal human one for your bird.
  19. Buttersworth– Elegant names like this can sound funny or distinguished.
  20. Wobbles– For the way your bird walks across his perch.
  21. Bandito– This is a more daring name you could give an adventurous bird.
  22. Baron– This one has tones of elegance and daring to it.
  23. Lord Bobo– This funny mix of distinguished and silly is a great choice.
  24. Spike– Or you could choose a very dangerous name for your parrot.
  25. Lucky– You might want a simple, fun name like this.

Cute and Adorable Baby Parrot Names

  1. Buddy– Good for s bird who is a great friend to you.
  2. Toby– This simple name works well too.
  3. Rooster– You could name your bird after a male chicken for a laugh.
  4. Berri– A good name that reminds you of the bird’s colorful look similar to that
    of a blueberry or strawberry.
  5. Rio– Like the cartoon that features a bird.
  6. Elvis– Some parrots look a bit like the singer, if you squint really hard.
  7. Fancy Dan– For well-dressed parrots.
  8. Squawky– For the parrot that will never quiet down.
  9. Chico– A cool, exotic name for your bird.
  10. Shades– For a cool, suave parrot.
  11. Joey– You could give your parrot a really cool name like this.
  12. Jackson– This is a strong name that is good for any parrot.
  13. Mr. T– Or you could go with this strong celebrity name.
  14. Tarzan– A famous jungle name for a famous jungle bird.
  15. Mowgli– Or you could use this jungle character.

Female Parrot Names


  1. Dorothy– This is a great name for any female parrot.
  2. Treat– You could give your parrot a sweet name like this.
  3. Cookie– Sweet, sugary names are great for some parrot.
  4. Dancer– Or the name you choose could be something complimentary like this.
  5. Honey– Endearing names make good choices for female parrot.
  6. Penny– This is a cutesy name that we like.
  7. Cuddles– Something delightful like this is always a good option.
  8. Pearl– You could go with a name that tells everyone your bird is special.
  9. Buffy– A fun pop culture name like this is always a winner.
  10. Xena– You could name your bird after the famous warrior princess.
  11. Mulan– Or the Disney princess.
  12. Polly– This is the female version of the popular parrot name Paulie.
  13. Sugar– Sweet names are always a good choice.
  14. Tia– This lovely name is a good pick as well.
  15. Lady– You could give your female parrot a sweet name like this.
  16. Babydoll– Everyone will know how adorable your bird is with this name.
  17. Sheena– Here is a strong, feminine name for you to try.
  18. Margo– This one is pretty common for tropical birds.
  19. Twinkles– It may sound silly, but it is also endearing.
  20. Starshine– A name like this feels like it has a bit of magic to it.
  21. Fairy– This one is definitely magically-inclined.
  22. Pixie– Mythological creatures make for good parrot names for some whimsy.
  23. Rainbow– This is a great choice for a colorful bird.
  24. Bella– Or you can use a sweet, feminine name like this.
  25. Chestnut– Here is a nice one for a bird with some brown in its feathers.
  26. Hazel– This is a good brown-themed name as well.
  27. Destiny– This name has some mystery to it.
  28. Jewel– This has become a very popular parrot name thanks to the movie Rio.
  29. Jane– Named after Tarzan’s wife.
  30. Champagne– Food and drink names can be silly or classy like this one.
  31. Delilah– This is always as winner for female parrot.
  32. Sasha– This fun name is good for any female parrot.
  33. Evie– This one is a bit more exotic and still feminine.
  34. Eden– Or you could use a unique name like this for your bird.
  35. Ava– A play on the word avian.
  36. Nala– The film The Lion King popularized this name.
  37. Flower– A lovely name is perfect for your lovely parrot.
  38. Journey– You could go with something vague and mysterious like this one.
  39. Paris– Place names can be a good choice as well.
  40. Skye– This is a classic that always works well for parrots.

Parrot Baby Names

Parrot Baby Names

  1. Pickles– Good for any green bird you have.
  2. Kiwi– Also a good green bird name.
  3. Strawberry– Good for birds with some green and red in them.
  4. Tiki– This is a good tropical name.
  5. Max– A classic that works for both male and female parrots.
  6. Tango– This one has a tropical sound to it.
  7. Mango– A tropical fruit is a solid choice for a parrot name.
  8. Snapper– This is good for calling attention to your bird’s eating habits.
  9. Cracker King– You could try something completely goofy like this.
  10. Jazzy– Here is a fun one for the more musically inclined.
  11. Nibbles– If your bird is always looking for something to eat, then this is a good
  12. Scarlet– Ideal for birds with a lot of red in their feathers.
  13. Sunset– Good for birds with some red, orange, and blue in their coloring.
  14. Cosmo– A mysterious-sounding name like this is always a winner.
  15. Starlight– You could try this fun, almost magical name.
  16. Littlefoot– Pirate names work great for parrots.
  17. Treasure– This is a more unique pirate name you could try.
  18. Bucko– Here’s a good pirate-themed name.
  19. Scallywag– Not the most commonly used pirate name, but a good one,
  20. Wacky– For a silly bird.

Funny (Pun) Parrot Names

Funny Parrot Names

  1. Yacky– For a talkative bird.
  2. DJ– For a bird that likes to dance.
  3. Gossip– Good for a bird that talks all the time.
  4. Spark– A good name for a bird who is a bit of a firecracker.
  5. Phoenix– For birds with some red coloring and a strong personality.
  6. Boss– For birds with an overpowering personality.
  7. Coconut– Use this for tropical birds like the parrot.
  8. Ash– Good for birds with some grey or black in their coloring.
  9. Papaya– A nice tropical fruit name for parrots.
  10. Amazon– Tropical place names work really well.
  11. Chirpy– If your bird is talkative, then you may want to use this name.
  12. Beaker– A play on the work “beak”.
  13. Harmony– A nice, unique name you might want to use for your parrot.
  14. Whisper– For an uncharacteristically quiet parrot.
  15. Repeater– For a bird who copies everything you say.
  16. River– This name has a strength to it and is good for birds with some blue on
  17. Xerox– Another good name for a bird who repeats what you say.
  18. Blabberbeak– Yet another good name for a very talkative parrot.
  19. Windbag– Here’s another one as well.
  20. Nugget– Finally, we want to leave you with this cute, funny name.

Fruit and Vegetables Inspired Pet Names for Parrots

  1. Cherry– Sweet name for a female parrot which means beloved.
  2. Clementine– An awesome name for a female parrot meaning merciful.
  3. Honeydew– Is a great fruit because it has a high content of fiber and water.
  4. Huckleberry– This is the state fruit of Idaho.
  5. Blueberry – Used as desserts or in making jams and jellies and preserves.
  6. Mango– An excellent name for a red or orange-colored dog.
  7. Cherimoya – Also known as custard apple.
  8. Pumpkin– Cute name for an adorable and sweet parrot.
  9. Alfalfa– A flowering plant that is a member of the pea family.
  10. Butternut– A winter squash with a sweet and nutty flavor.
  11. Clementine – A fruit like a small orange.
  12. Kiwi – A fruit with hair skin, green flesh, and black seeds.
  13. Peaches – A soft, round, slightly furry fruit with sweet yellow flesh and pinky-orange skin.
  14. Maize – Is a grain and commonly known as corn.
  15. Coconut – The fruit of the coconut palm.
  16. Kumquat – A small yellow to orange citrus fruits.
  17. Pear – Has pale green or brownish skin, a firm juicy flesh.
  18. Raisin – A dried grape.
  19. Currant – Small, black dried grape without seeds.
  20. Lime – Is a citrus fruit, which is typically round and green in color.

Parrot Names for Pirates

  1. Ahoy: a perfect name for your parrot after the pirate slang.
  2. Bart: a perfect name for a parrot inspired by pirate Bartholomew Roberts.
  3. Blackbeard: named after the famous Edward Teach.
  4. Bones: a strong name for your pirate parrot, we think it is a perfect name for an African Grey parrot.
  5. Calico: after the famous and notorious sea pirate Calico Jack.
  6. Cutlass: a perfect name for a male parrot referring to the short sword used by pirates.
  7. Crabbe: after the Flemish pirate Crabbe.
  8. Drake: after Sir Francis Drake.
  9. Grampus: the name of a famous pirate ship.
  10. Henry: you can either call your boy Henry or Morgan after the famous Welsh pirate Henry Morgan.
  11. Ketch: after the infamous English executioner employed by King Charles II, Jack Ketch.
  12. Tewafter the famous English pirate Thomas Tew.

Famous Parrot Names

  1. Alvid:the name of the leader of a group of Norwegian pirates.
  2. Angelica: for a female parrot, after the daughter of Blackbeard.
  3. Anne: after the famed female pirate, Anne Bonny. This is a great famous parrot name inspired by a famous pirate.
  4. Atomsk: a fictional pirate King. Such cool names for a bird are a great option.
  5. Barbosa: a classic reference from ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean’.
  6. Bootstrap: a popular fictional pirate from the ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean’ movies.
  7. Captain Blood: the lead character from the movie of the same name.
  8. Ching: after the famous female pirate, Ching Shih.
  9. Davy: a reference to Davy Jones from the ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean’ film series.

African Parrot Names

  • Elizabeth: after the female protagonist from ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean’ movies.
  • Fluke: a good luck streak that is essential for pirates.
  • Grace: after the famous pirate Grace O’Malley.
  • Hook: after the famous character, Captain Hook in ‘Peter Pan’.
  • Jacquotte: after Jacquotte Delahaye.
  • Jolly: derived from the Jolly Roger pirate flag.
  • Lady: as in Lady Killigrew.
  • Long John Silver: after the character in ‘Treasure Island’.
  • Mary: after the female pirate of ‘Seven Seas’.
  • Penny: after one of the few female pirates in the ‘Age Of Piracy’.
  • Pugwash: the main protagonist of ‘Captain Pugwash’.
  • Raider: a perfect synonym name for your pirate boy.
  • Sailor: a perfect bird name which means “seaman”.
  • Smee: after Captain Hook’s sidekick, Mr. Smee.
  • Sparrow: you can never go wrong with the name Captain Jack Sparrow
  • Teuta: after the Pirate Queen Teuta of Illyria.
  • Zafira: the name of a female pirate in ‘Thugs Of Hindostan

Cute Parrot names

  • Pepper
  • Sugar
  • Baby Boo 
  • Babie
  • KoJo 
  • Tia 
  • Polly
  • Rampo 
  • Sweet Pea – This is an ideal name in case you own a green-colored parrot.
  • Pixie 
  • Cookie 
  • Plum 
  • Apricot – Fruit-inspired names will always sound as delightful as ever!
  • Kiki 
  • Bud – A loving name that you can use for a pet that’s also your truest friend.
  • Tiki 
  • Flower – A pet birdie so gentle, you got to call it by this name!
  • Angel 
  • Skittles 
  • Sunshine – If you love your parrot enough to call it the sunshine of your life!
  • Rainbow 
  • Sparkle – Because some parrots are so iconic that they dazzle all day long!
  • Sunny 
  • Poe 
  • Coffee – If there are two things you cannot live without; your daily dose of caffeine, and your feathered friend!
  • Clovey 
  • Pee Pee 
  • Lilo 
  • Rio – This name is culled from the popular 3D animated film that’s titled by the same name.
  • Rico
  • Mini – Use this adorable moniker for a very tiny pet parrot.

Famous Parrot Names

  • Peach – Because your pet bird is as cute as a peach!
  • Peaches 
  • Max 
  • Chloe 
  • Pollie 
  • Mango 
  • Charlie 
  • CoCo 
  • CeCe
  • Tikki 
  • Angelina – Who wouldn’t love to have an Angelina Jolie at their home?
  • Keanu 
  • Tesla 
  • Harrison 
  • Shakespeare 
  • Justin 
  • Demi 
  • Brad – In case your parrot is too handsome to be a bird!
  • Sean
  • Scarlet
  • Peppa – Use this sought-after title for your pet parrot in case you have some Peppa-Pig fanatic toddlers in the house.
  • Sammy 
  • Lucky 
  • Elvis – A parrot so small, you could almost fit them in your palm!
  • Pippa 
  • Pozo 
  • Ruffles 
  • Kendall – Kardashian/Jenner fans, where are you?
  • Adele – This singer/songwriter-inspired name is ideal for a bird that loves to chirp mellifluously.
  • Ryan
  • Muriel 
  • Florida 
  • Angelica – Use this name for an angel-like pet parrot.
  • Fauna 
  • Girly – A self-explanatory name for a very elegant-looking pet parrot that echoes feminity.
  • Grace
  • Herbie 
  • Celeste
  • Iris 
  • Stella 
  • Jade 
  • Emerald 
  • Opal 
  • Kimberly 
  • Daenerys – A fierce, Game of Thrones-inspired name that is culled from the character of Danaerys Targaryen.
  • Hermoine – In case your pet parrot seems to perfectly exemplify the word ‘Smarty-pants!’
  • Naruto 
  • Belle 
  • Rose 
  • Tasha – We love this name for the spunky and sassy ring to it!
  • Leia 
  • Katniss 
  • Buffie 
  • Rosie 
  • Jasmine 
  • Pearl – A beautiful name for a pet parrot that is beyond precious.
  • Zara 
  • Ivy 
  • Kyle 
  • Portia 
  • Lana 
  • Jane 
  • Pea
  • Avocado 
  • Pistachio 
  • Maizey
  • Sage
  • Oakley
  • Marvin 
  • Hulk – Use this name for a pet who is always ready for some action!
  • Basil
  • Green Bean 
  • Rosemary
  • Beanstalk
  • Emerald
  • Aloe
  • Olive – We bet this name would look spectacular on a playful pet parrot.
  • Sprout 
  • Gumby
  • Evergreen
  • Tinker Bell
  • Kiwi
  • Barney
  • Fern
  • Leafy
  • Minty
  • Jungle 
  • Kale 
  • Yoda 
  • Pickles 
  • Amazon

Remember, the meaning behind a name can vary depending on personal interpretation.

Feel free to choose a name that resonates with you and your parrot’s personality!

Tips and Tricks for Choosing the best name

Here are some handpicked and researched key points which you must be keeping in your mind.

Observe your parrot’s behavior, quirks, and mannerisms. Does your parrot have a playful nature?

Is it talkative or shy? Consider names that align with their distinctive traits. For a playful parrot, names like Zippy, Bubbles, or Jester might be fitting, while a more reserved parrot could be named Whisper, Sage, or Grace.

  • Color Inspiration:

Green parrots are known for their stunning emerald and lime hues. Explore names that reflect their vibrant coloration.

Emerald, Lime, Kiwi, or even names like Ivy or Forest can be great options. Adding a touch of creativity to the name can make it truly unique.

  • Species-Specific Names:

If you have a specific species of green parrot, incorporating their species into the name can be a wonderful idea. For example, if you have an Eclectus parrot, you can name it Echo or Ember.

For an Amazon parrot, names like Rio or Amazona could be fitting. Research the specific traits and characteristics of your parrot’s species to find name inspiration.

  • Nature-Inspired Names:

Since green parrots are associated with lush tropical environments, consider names inspired by nature.

Names like Mango, Fern, Willow, or Sprout can capture the essence of your parrot’s natural habitat.

Choosing a human name for your parrot can add a personal touch. Think about names that suit their appearance or remind you of someone you admire.

Oliver, Jade, Lily, or Charlie are examples of names that work well for both humans and parrots.

  • Gender-Neutral Names:

If you’re unsure about the gender of your parrot or prefer a gender-neutral name, there are plenty of options available.

Sunny, Clover, or Riley can be used for both male and female parrots.

  • Cultural and Historical Names:

Look into cultural or historical references that are related to the color green or parrots.

For example, you could name your parrot Kiwi, after the flightless bird from New Zealand, or Loki, inspired by Norse mythology, known for its association with mischievousness.

  • Keep it Simple:

Choose a name that is easy to pronounce and remember. Parrots can learn their names, so selecting a name with one or two syllables will make it easier for your bird to recognize and respond to their name.

  • Involve the Family:

If you have family members or friends who spend time with your parrot, involve them in the naming process.

Create a shortlist of names and ask for their input. This can make the naming experience more enjoyable and inclusive.

  • Trial and Error:

Don’t stress if you don’t find the perfect name right away. Sometimes it takes time to discover the name that truly suits your parrot.

Experiment with different names and observe how your parrot responds to them. Eventually, you’ll find the name that captures their unique spirit.

Things to avoid while choosing parrot names

When choosing a name for your green parrot, there are a few things to avoid to ensure the name is appropriate and suitable.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. Offensive or derogatory names: Avoid choosing names that are offensive, derogatory, or disrespectful. It’s important to select a name that reflects a positive and respectful attitude toward your parrot.
  2. Complicated or lengthy names: Opt for a name that is easy to pronounce and remember. Avoid overly complex or lengthy names that might be confusing for both you and your parrot.
  3. Human names: While some people prefer to give their pets human names, it’s generally better to choose a name that is more fitting for a parrot. Avoid names that are commonly used for humans to prevent confusion.
  4. Negative connotations: Stay away from names that have negative connotations or associations. You want to choose a name that conveys positivity and happiness.

Names that sound similar to commands: It’s advisable to avoid names that sound too similar to common commands or cues used in training.

This can help prevent confusion and ensure effective communication between you and your parrot.

Remember, choosing a name for your parrot should be a fun and enjoyable process.

Take your time to find a name that you love and that suits your parrot’s personality and appearance.

Conclusion on green parrot names

Remember, the name you choose for your green parrot will be with them for a lifetime. Take your time, be creative, and enjoy the process of finding the perfect name that reflects your parrot’s individuality.

That’s all for this post regarding the parrot names, tips, suggestions, and all. Hope you found it helpful and very informative too.

Happy naming!

Green Parrot Names
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