11. Astennu
The meaning of this Egyptian name is ‘god of the moon’. The name Astennu was the most popular in 1971 when it reached the #321st spot.
12. Aytaç
Aytaç finds its origins in Turkish and means moon or crown. In Turkey, this is a masculine as well as a feminine first name. It is also used as a family name.
13. Ayberk
This Turkish name means high moon. Ayberk is also said to mean ‘lightning-like brightness of the moon.’ The name denotes someone bright and strong.
14. Badar/Bader
Badar is a lovely Arabic name, meaning ‘full moon’. This strong name carries a romantic image.
15. Badru
Badru is an Egyptian name, meaning ‘born during the full moon’. In the 1800s and 1900s, the name Badru was so popular that some parents started using it even for their baby girls.
16. Bahloo
Originating from the Australian Aboriginal people, Bahloo means a ‘moon man.’ In one mythical story, Yhi, the sun, tried to court Bahloo, but he refused, and this is why the sun always chases the moon across the sky.
17. Balachandra
Balachandra is a traditional Hindu name, meaning ‘young moon’. The popularity of this name has been decreasing. So shorten it to Bala if you want to give a familiar name to your child.
18. Caliban
Caliban is the name of a moon that orbits the planet Uranus. This name was created by William Shakespeare. In his play ‘The Tempest,’ Shakespeare named the witch Sycorax’s son Caliban. There is also a Marvel character by this name.
19. Chan
The name Chan is a Sanskrit word for ‘moon’. So your little one will be radiating his charm wherever he goes.
20. Chandrakant
Chandrakant is a Sanskrit name, meaning ‘shining moon’. In the Hindu mythology, Chandrakanth is the name of a moonstone created by moonlight. You can even shorten it to Chandra, another Sanskrit name, meaning ‘moon’.
21. Dal
The term Dal is a Korean name and means moon. Dal is also an Indian term for dried split pulses.
Dawa is a Tibetan name, which means month or moon. This name is usually given to a child born on a Monday. In Tibet, the name is used for both boys and girls. This name is also found in the regions of Sikkim, Ladakh, and Bhutan.
23. Deimos
The name Deimos originates from Roman mythology. Mars was the Roman god of war, and Aries was his Greek equivalent. The two moons around the planet Mars were given the name Deimos and Phobos, which were also the names of the twins of Aries. In Ancient Greek, Deimos means terror.
24. Elatha
According to Irish mythology, Elatha is a moon god. He was the king of the Fomorians, who were a hostile supernatural group. The imagery of this beautiful-sounding name suggests that he was a moon god.
25. Esmeray
Esmeray is a name of Turkish origin. The literal meaning of this word is ‘dark moon.’
26. Getsumei
A Japanese name, Getsumei, means moonlight. Like most Japanese names, the meaning of this word is based on the kanji combinations.
27. Günay
Günay is a gender-neutral name belonging to Turkish lands. The name is a combination of gün, meaning sun, and ay, meaning moon. It refers to the moon as seen during the day.
28. Hang
If you are an Asian, or want names with an Asian touch, go with Hang. It’s a Vietnamese name, meaning ‘moon’.
29. Hilal
The meaning of Hilal is ‘new crescent moon’. This Arabic name has a regal ring to it, which makes it very popular with Arab parents.
30. Himanshu
Himanshu is another popular Hindi name, meaning ‘moon’. The name immediately brings to mind Himanshu Chatterjee, the Bollywood hero.
31. Iah
In Egyptian mythology, Iah was the name of the moon god, who was later identified as Thoth.
32. Io
Io, the name of the most volcanic moon in the solar system, will make a great nickname if your child is named Antonio, Amelio or Octavio.
33. Ilkay
The Turkish have a special affinity with the moon. They have plenty of baby names meaning moon and Ilkay is one of them. It comes from the words ‘ilk’, which means ‘first’ and ‘ay’, which means ‘moon’
34. Janus
Janus is the name of one of the moons of Saturn. The name comes from the Roman god with two heads. This classic Roman name was familiar for thousands of years and was also favored by kings and saints. The month of January is also named after Janus.
35. Jericho
Jericho is the name of an Israeli city mentioned several times in the Old Testament. The name Jericho is related to the Hebrew word ‘yareach’, which means the moon.
36. Kale
Kale is the name of one of the moons orbiting Jupiter. The name Kale is a version of Charles and comes from the Old English word ‘ceorl’, which means ‘free man’.
37. Koray
Koray is one of the most meaningful and rhythmic Turkish baby names. It means ‘ember moon’. The name is famous in Turkey, but has now started to make its way to the West as well.
38. Kuu
Another gender-neutral name, Kuu is the Finnish word for moon. Kuu is usually more common as a middle name than a first name.
39. London
In English, the name London means ‘fortress of the moon’. London is a unisex name, but would suit boys more than girls.
40. Luan
This unusual boy’s name has many meanings along with many origins. In Portuguese, the name Luan means ‘moon.’ In Albanian, the name means ‘lion,’ while in Gaelic, it means ‘warrior’ or ‘hound.’
41. Mani
Mani is an Old Norse name, meaning moon. Mani is also a Norse God. In Sanskrit, the word means jewel and finds reference in the Mahabharata as the name of a serpent.
42. Marama
Marama is a Polynesian mythological name of the moon god. It is the Maori word for moon. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Marama is one of the rarer names of this set. That’s because Maori is not a widely spoken language. The Maori people are indigenous to New Zealand and the language is rarely heard outside the country. It is pronounced as ‘Mah-rah-mah.’
The name Mahrukh originates in Africa and means ‘face of the moon’. It comes with an appealing and usable nickname Mahru.
44. Mayank
Mayank is one of the hugely popular Hindi names meaning ‘moon’. This name traveled from the ancient Sanskrit scribe of the classical names and went on to become a hot pick with the Indian parents.
45. Mayar
Turkey is home to some of the most attractive baby names. Mayar, meaning ‘moon glow’, is one of them.
46. Meztli
Meztli is a Nahuatl name for ‘moon’. This name is currently on the 170th spot in its region, but is expected to reach greater heights soon.
47. Muraco
This American name means ‘white moon’. This name will sound cute even when used for a girl.
48. Nanna
In Sumerian mythology, Nanna is the name of the moon god and the son of Enlil. His symbol is a crescent. Nanna was also known by the name ‘Sin’, which means ‘wisdom’.
49. Neil
Is there anything cooler than being named after Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the surface of the moon? This name peaked in the 1950s and is still going strong.
50. Oberon
Oberon is the large moon of Uranus, named after the King of Fairies in Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. If you want to give the name a unique twist, call him Auberon. It has the same meaning and pronunciation but is spelled differently.
Related: 50 Euphoric Shakespearean Baby Names For Girls And Boys
51. Proteus
Proteus is one of Neptune’s moons. This name is strong and powerful, exactly what you want our son to be when he grows up.
52. Pulan
Pulan is a Chamory name meaning ‘moon’. The name has a jazzy edge and would appeal to non-traditional parents.
53. Purnama
The name Purnama originates in the Javanese language and means ‘full moon’. Purnama was once a prominent name in Indonesia and India and is expected to make a comeback soon.
54. Qamar

Qamar is an Arabic name and means ‘moon’. This name sounds appealing because of its similarity to the very likable Omar.
55. Quacey
It’s rare we come across quintessential Scottish names. Most of the Scottish names are borrowed from the UK. But Quacey is a pure Scottish name and means ‘moonlight’.
56. Ramachandra
Meaning ‘Rama moon’, Ramachandra is a Hindu name, derived from Lord Rama. Chandra is a Sanskrit word for moon. Ramachandra is quite an old name and is rarely considered by parents these days. But you have the option of shortening to either Chandra or Chandru.
57. Rakesh
The Indian name Rakesh comes from the Sanskrit word ‘raka’, meaning ‘full moon’ and ‘isha’, meaning lord or ruler. Hence, the meaning of Rakesh is ‘lord of the full moon day’.
58. Sharad
This is a Hindu name usually given to boys born during the festival of Sharad Poornima. Sharad is a phase in the Hindu calendar approximately occurring around mid-September to mid-November. The full moon in autumn is called Sharad.
59. Shashank
Here’s another Indian name, meaning moon. The name is bright and beautiful, just like your son is sure to be.
Tarkik is an Iñupiaq and Inuktitut word meaning moon. The Inuit consider names to be holders of souls. Therefore, if a boy receives this name, he will form a special bond with the souls of people who held the name previously.
61. Triton
Triton is the name of the moon orbiting Neptune.
62. Titan
The Titans were a family of giants according to Greek mythology. Titan is also Saturn’s largest and sixth moon from its surface. The atmosphere of Titan is rich in nitrogen and liquid in nature and is referred to as the ‘planet-like moon.’
63. Tuncay
This Turkish name means ‘bronze moon’.
64. Wadd
Originating in Yemen, Wadd was the name of the national god of Minaeans, living in the kingdom of Ma’in. This name was that of a pre-Islamic god of the moon.
65. Yereah
This is an archaic Hebrew name that means moon. The name is rare and not heard very often. This name became popular when the lunar month was the main measure of time.
Names That Mean Moon For Girls
66. Aitne
This baby girl’s name of Greek origin is the name of one of the moons of Jupiter. Aitne was also the daughter of Oceanus. The name is also spelled as Aetna, and the Sicilian volcano Mt. Etna received its name from this name.
Altalune is a unique Latin name meaning moon or ‘over the moon.’
68. Artemis
This exotic name belongs to one of the most prominent Greek goddesses. Artemis is the goddess of animals, wilderness, hunting and moon. Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo and one of the 12 Greek mythology deities residing in Mount Olympus.
Goddess Artemis is equivalent to Diana in Roman mythology, but the moniker Artemis is more distinctive and fresher than the latter. Artemas and Artemus are alternative spellings for this name.
69. Arianrhod
This name is borrowed from the Welsh mythology and is associated with the moon. Wondering how? The name translates to the silver wheel, which is a fitting image for your little moon goddess.
70. Aiday
This Kazakh name means ‘moon child.’ The name Aiday came into the limelight in 2013 when Aiday Isaeva became Miss Kazakhstan and represented the country in the Miss Universe pageant in 2014.
71. Aisha
As the name of Prophet Muhammad’s wife, Aisha is extremely popular with Muslims and African Americans. Apart from carrying a plethora of positive meanings, this beautiful Arabic name is linked to the Moon goddess as well.
72. Alcmene
Alcmene is the Latin form of the Greek name Alkmene, which means ‘might of the moon’. In the Greek mythology, Alcmene is the name of the mortal mother of Hercules.
73. Aysun
Aysun is a lovely Turkish name, meaning ‘beautiful as the moon’. Add a twist to this name by spelling it as Aisun.
74. Aylin
Here’s another Turkish name for you, meaning ‘moon halo’. The name would make a perfect pick for parents with Turkish ancestry.
75. Aysu
Aysu is another Turkish name related to the moon. It means ‘moon water’. But is there really water on the moon? Let’s leave that to the scientists.
76. Amaris

Amaris is a pretty and unusual baby name, which means ‘child of the moon’ in Old Irish and ‘given by God’ in Hebrew. We love this moniker for its multicultural appeal.
77. Ayla
Ayla is a female name of Turkish or Hebrew origin. It means ‘moonlight.’ It also has some alternative meanings, such as halo or oak tree.
78. Badriyah
Badriyah is the feminine form of the name Badr. It means ‘full’. If Badriyah sounds too traditional, go for Budur
79. Belinay
Belinay is a popular girl’s name in Turkey. This Turkish name signifies the reflection of the moon on a lake. The name is also frequently found in France because of a town called Belinay, making it a locational or geographical name, too.
80. Bendis
According to Thracian mythology, the goddess of the moon was known as Bendis. Thracians were people living in Southeastern Europe in ancient times. The mythical Orpheus and Spartacus were part of the Thracian clan.
81. Bulan
In Austronesian languages, this name means moon. Bulan is another name for Mayari, who is the moon goddess in Tagalog mythology. She is also the goddess of hunting, revolution, war, strength, and beauty.
82. Celimine
This beautiful name is derived from the Greek and Latin elements moon and heaven. The name also means strength.
83. Channary
Channary is a Khmer name. It is an amalgamation of words meaning moon and woman/girl. This name jumped to fame as a character from the ‘The Lunar Chronicles’ by Marissa Meyer.
84. Candra
The name Candra is derived from an Indonesian love story about princess Candra of Kediri. Candra was the incarnation of the Indonesian goddess of Love, Dewi Ratih and her name means ‘glowing like the moon’.
85. Chandra
Chandra is the name of the Hindu goddess of the moon. The name was last groovy when meditation and incense were trending concepts. With the trend of yoga and meditation coming back, we see a resurgence in this name.
86. Crescent
This English word alludes to the shape of the moon. It is an incredibly intriguing name with a very pleasant sound.
Callisto is the name of the third-largest moon in our solar system. Some even say it’s a name borrowed from the mythology of night skies. Callisto is quite familiar among modern parents. It was the name of a villain in Xena, the Warrior Princess. Calisto Flockhart is its most popular namesake.
88. Cynthia
This attractive Greek name is an epithet of Artemis, the moon goddess. This name was overexposed in the mid-20th century when it fell into a period of neglect. But now Cynthia is in excellent form and is ripe for reconsideration. Cindy would make a perfect, upbeat nickname for Cynthia. Cynthia Gregory, the former American ballerina, is one of its most notable namesakes.
89. Deva
If you don’t want the cheesy name Diva for your daughter, try Deva, the name of the Hindu moon goddess. The name was chosen by the sultry siren Monica Belluci for her daughter.
This lovely and classic name belongs to the Roman goddess of moon, hunting and virginity. This name hovered for decades around #100, and was its highest point in the late 1940s. We feel that this gorgeous name is underused, so you can pick it up for your daughter. Late Princess Diana of England is the most famous bearer of this name.
91. Dione
Dione is a name for a ‘Divine queen.’ It finds its roots in Greece and is also the name of one of the moons of Saturn.
92. Dia
This Ancient Greek name refers to The Divine or one who belongs to Zeus. There are many Dias in Greek mythology, some of whom were mortal, while others were immortals. Dia makes this list because it is also the name of a moon orbiting Jupiter.
93. Delia
Delia is also an epithet of the Artemis. The name is derived from the Greek island of Delos, a mythical place said to be the home of Apollo and Artemis. The name later became a favorite with the 17th-century pastoral poets. As a name, Delia stands strong on its own, but can also be used as a short for Cordelia and Adelia.
94. Elara
Elara, the name of a moon of Jupiter, is one of the most wearable of the space-inspired moon names. In Greek mythology, Elara was one of the lovers of Zeus.
95. Feray
It is a Turkish name meaning radiance of the moon. It is pronounced as ‘fehr-eye.’ It is a moonlight-inspired name but is more popular as a middle name.
96. Hanwi
There is an interesting story in Sioux mythology. Hanwi’s husband was Wi, the sun. Wi was dishonorable, and the judge of the gods punished him by separating the two. Wi was left to rule the day while Hanwi ruled the night. Thus, Hanwi is considered another name for the moon or night sun.
Hala is beautiful and unique in its own way. The meaning of this Arabic name is ‘moon halo’. This is one of the popular Arabic moon names for girls.
98. Hakidonmuya
This is a unique and even slightly outlandish moon-inspired name in this list. Hakidonmuya is a native American name meaning ‘time of the waiting moon’.
99. Helene
Helene is the name of the moon of Saturn. The name was inspired by Helen of Troy. Female names, starting with ‘He’ sound very intriguing.
100. Hecate
This is a Greek name meaning ‘will power.’ The name is associated with a Greek figure signifying the moon.
101. Ilargi
With roots in Basque, Ilargi means moonlight or moon. In Basque mythology, Ilargi is the goddess of the moon, and her brother Erkhi is the sun god. The name is pronounced as ‘ee-LAHR-gee.’
102. Indumathi
This Sanskrit name from the Indian subcontinent means ‘full moon.’ A famous bearer of the name is Indumathi Kathiresan, a footballer from the Indian football team.
Related: 200 Remarkable Sanskrit Baby Names For Girls And Boys
Indu is a Hindi name for the moon. It finds its origin in the Indian subcontinent. Indu is often used as a short form or pet name for Indumathi.
104. Isone
Isone is the name of one of Jupiter’s moons orbiting the planet. It was derived from one of the Danaïdes, a group of 50 mythological women. The name is a variation of Hesione originating from the Greek word heso, meaning ‘knowing.’
105. Jaci
Jaci is a native American name, meaning ‘moon’. So if you have a likeness forJaci tribal names, go for Jaci.
106. Jyotsna
Jyotsna is a Hindi name, meaning ‘moonlight’. This name was first used in India and its surrounding regions during the Classical period, that is during the 16th-17th century.
107. Kamaria
Kamaria is a Swahili name, meaning ‘beauty of the moon or moonlight’. The name is both unusual and lush and would make a unique moniker for your daughter.
108. Larissa
Larissa is the name of one of Neptune’s moons. In Greek mythology, Larissa was the mother of Pelasgus. It’s also the name of a city in Greece.
109. Liviana
Liviana is the Hebrew name for ‘white moon,’ and makes for a lovely and unique name for a baby girl.
110. Losna
An Etruscan word for moon is Losna. This geographical name comes from a heavily rocky island near Norway. The island is called Losna and has a population of barely four people today.
111. Lucine
Lucine is an Armenian name meaning ‘moon’. Its spelling variations are Lousin and Louisine. Lucy would be the best nickname of Lucine.
112. Luna
Luna is a strong, yet shimmery moon-inspired name that has been growing in popularity, probably because of the character Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series. It’s an epithet for Diana, the Roman Goddess of the moon. This name jumped 119 places from 2010 to 20102 and now sits pretty at #143. Ellen Pompeo and Joely Fisher used Luna as a middle name for their daughter.
113. Maha
Maha is a short and sweet Arabic name, meaning ‘moon’. It’s often considered a short for Mahdokht, a Persian name, which means ‘daughter of the moon’. Keep Mahadokht as your daughter’s given name, and call her Maha at home.
114. Mahina
Hawaiian names are not much heard beyond the border of this state. So picking a Hawaiian name for your daughter would make her stand out from the crowd. Mahina is a Hawaiian name meaning ‘moonlight’.
115. Mahvash
Mahvash is a Persian name that means ‘moon-like’. This name is heard widely in India, Pakistan and UAE.
Melinoe is the name of one of the Greek goddesses of the moon. It is also the name of quince color.
117. Monday
Did you know that Monday also has the moon in it? This English name is composed of the Old English elements, ‘mona’, which means ‘moon’ and ‘gig’ which means ‘day,’ hence ‘moon day’.
118. Mona
Mona also means ‘moon’ in English. This name peaked in 1950 with the 230th spot, but fell completely after the turn of the century.
119. Mahtab
Mahtab is an Arabic name meaning ‘moonlight’. This moniker has gone from a cute teenager name to a peppy adult name.
120. Mahnaz
Mahnaz is a cross culture name. It’s as popular with the Punjabis as it is with Muslims.
121. Moon
This name had to be included in the list. If not as a given name, you can use it as a nickname for your daughter. The eccentric Frank Zappa named his daughter Moon. He even claims that his daughter likes it.
122. Menodora
The name Menodora finds its roots in the Ancient Greek words meaning ‘moon’ and ‘gift.’
According to the Catholic church, it is also the name of Saint Menodora, who with her two sisters spent days in exile and prayers in a remote area.
123. Nguyet
This popular Vietnamese name means moon. Nguyet is also a traditional Vietnamese instrument, better known as Dan nguyet, or the moon lute.
124. Neoma
Neoma is a Greek spin on Naomi. It means ‘full moon’. Neomi and Noemi are other variations of this name. So which one are you planning to use for your daughter?
125. Nokomis
Here’s an unusually beautiful name for your rising superstar. Nokomis is a native American name, meaning ‘daughter of the moon’.
126. Phoebe
In Greek mythology, Phoebe is another epithet of Artemis. In the New Testament, Phoebe is a church deaconess. Shakespeare used this name for his rustic Denizen in the play As You Like It. But Phoebe from the Friends sitcom series gave a boost to this moniker. The name is one of the top 300 names in the US and one of the top 25 names in Wales and England. Bill and Melinda Gates used this name for their daughter.
127. Purnima
Purnima is a Hindi name, meaning ‘full moon’. You can shorten the name to Poorna.
128. Pensri
This is one of our favorites. Pensri is a Thai name, meaning ‘full moon’. The popularity of this name has risen quite fast in the recent years.
129. Portia
Portia is the name of one of Uranus’ moons. The name was inspired by a Shakespearean character of the same name in The Merchant of Venice. In the play, Portia disguises herself as a man to save her husband Antonio from the trial.
130. Quila

In Spanish mythology, Quila is the name of the Incan moon goddess, one of the most powerful deities. She is depicted as a charming woman. Quila is also a stunning alternative to the highly common name Stella.
131. Selena
Selena is a Latin variation of the Greek name Selene. This shiny, smooth and sensual 19th century moniker found a lease of life in the Latin community. But you don’t have to be Latin to use this name for your child. It is one of the most stylish names right now and is adopted by people of all regions. Disney favorite Selena Gomez popularized this name significantly.
132. Stellaluna
Stellaluna finds its roots in Latin America. It is the Latin name for moon and star. This beautiful name can be a bit complicated to pronounce.
133. Thalassa
Thalassa is one of the most intriguing baby names in this list. It’s the name of a moon of Neptune. The name comes from the Geek word for sea. In the Greek mythology, Thalassa was the primordial goddess of the sea.
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134. Zelenia
This one is a Greek name, meaning ‘the moon’. It’s basically the variation of Selena. Shorten this lovely name to Zel for a different spin.
135. Zira
Zira is an enigmatic African name referring to the ‘moonlight.’